AI Note Taking in Obsidian – What You Should Know and How to do it

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there. Today I wanted to show you a really cool little AI machine learning application that’s been added into Obsidian. It essentially uses Gpt-3, which is machine learning text generation, to answer questions. Let me just give you a quick little example. We’ll say, why is the sky blue? Generate the text it and you get the answer. How about who founded Google? Ask it and you get the answer. This is a really cool little program, which at this point, these are just some easy things that you could use Google for. Rather than ask who founded Google, you could ask Google, who founded Google. It’s essentially machine learning using OpenAI, which was created by Google. You can run it natively inside of your Obsidian. Some of the other cool applications, let’s say, why did the dog go to the store, which is a somewhat nonsensical question, but let’s see, what is it going to give us?


The dog went to the store because it was hungry. Okay, fair enough. So, right, this is more of an entertainment tool than anything else, but let’s just say what is Stoicism? If I could spell it Stoicism. Let’s just say you’re taking notes on a topic for a class or something. You’re going to get some interesting feedback on your questions. Another interesting way you could play with this is give it something more open ended or something that doesn’t have just like a really easy answer, like why is YouTube the best platform in the world? Let’s just say you want to do a video on that. Why is YouTube the best platform in the world? You can ask it to generate some ideas for you and you can do this more than once. It’s a video sharing website. Okay, that’s pretty analytical. What else is it going to give us?


Thinking some more about it, there are many reasons why YouTube is the best platform. Oh, look at this. A lot of content, easy to use, free, accessible from anywhere. Oh, I mean, you got a whole YouTube video idea right here. Let me just show you how this is installed. This is a community plugin called Text Generator, is the name of the plugin. You can see I have an API key here. The way you install this is you go into your community plugins browse, and then you choose the name of the plugin. I have it installed, text train, render, install it. You can see it’s not very big yet, but essentially this is harnessing the use of Gpt-3, which is OpenAI. I believe there is a daily limit. You have to create an account. So let me show you the website. So the website is beta


You just create an account, personal use, view, API keys, and then you’ll create a new key and then copy. It is if you click on text generator. It just goes right here. You paste your API key right there and then it works. I don’t know if this is the future of predictive text or fill in the blank type text, but it is definitely very fun and you can get, let’s just say you got a block on something. I have no idea what this is going to say. Obsidian is the best note taking program because we’ll see what it says. Simple to use, has a quick interface. This is somewhat generic, but it does mention add images, create lists, tag notes, and you can generate this as many times as you want, at least until you hit your daily limit. I do believe there is a limit, I haven’t managed to hit it yet.


Sometimes you’re going to get, oh, look, I got a new idea search function that makes it easy to find specific notes, so this can be a lot of fun. I think it has a pretty useful application in the sense that if you just want answers to questions that have a Google Bowl answer and you don’t feel like going to Google, like, what temperature does water boil at? There you go, 100 degrees Celsius. So, yeah, I think it has some interesting applications just for very simple generation. Also has, like I said, some interesting functionality for just ideation, where you just have a writer’s block for whatever reason and you just want to generate some things to bounce off of. I wouldn’t use this for like answer a project or something. This is still being generated by going through the web and pulling stuff from elsewhere. So there are definitely some plagiarism concerns.


It’s more for personal use, not really for professional. Don’t submit this as why YouTube is the best platform in the world. You’re probably going to get yourself into some trouble that way. Plus, is it that well written? I mean, it’s okay, it’s not terribly persuasive, but it definitely gives you a jumping off point. I do think that AI, we talk a lot about AI in the image space, but I think AI in the writing space is also coming. It’s on its way here and to some degree it’s already arrived, but it doesn’t rival, I think, human ingenuity, human creativity at this point, but it can be used and can be useful for more collaborative experiments where you just really need something extra bounce off of. Also, honestly, this is just proof of concept. I’ve seen people use a similar program within logsec, did not see a video on this inside of for Obsidian.


Here is how you set it up. Here’s what it does. Have some fun with it because honestly, it’s just fun. I mean, you just goof around with it, feed it all sorts of random nonsense and see what you get. All right, I hope this was entertaining and let me know if you have some more questions about this type of machine type learning. All right. Thanks. Bye.

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