Basic Zettlekasten Templates for Obsidian

Download Links for Templates

Fleeting Template:

Literature Template:

MOC Template:

Transcript with Timestamps


Good evening, Adam here. Today I want to give real quick a couple templates, three templates to be exact, for Zettel Cast and Notes inside of Obsidian. If you’re unfamiliar with the system, essentially the system is a way to organize thoughts from your initial thoughts all the way through to a synthesized useful permanent thought. Usually there are four stages or four different types of notes. The first one is fleeting, which is the initial thought just comes to your mind. There are literature notes, which is your thoughts, and you’re pulling language out of anything you’re reading or watching. The third one, and the most important is called a permanent note, which is where you have now given your fleeting thoughts more consideration and you put it into a more permanent form with something that you’d actually use. Usually the fleeting thoughts are somewhat fleeting, as you would say, and that you probably won’t get a whole lot of use out of it without a whole lot more thinking.


The final thing is what’s called a mock or a map of content, which is essentially just an index. You see indexes develop over time. I wanted to just show you a couple of templates. Let me just preface this by saying that there’s no perfect template. The templates are not the point. The templates just to get you started, if you’re spending a ton of time playing with templates and tags and everything else, you’re actually just wasting your time, you’re procrastinating. With that in mind, I’m cutting against my own video here, but I’m going to give you some links below to paste Bin so you can just copy and paste the exact language into three different templates and call Today. Make sure that you go into your settings and turn on templates, which I want to say is under editor. It’s under here somewhere, or maybe under Core Plugins.


Let me see 1 second. Yes. Make sure you turn that on and make sure you click on Settings and create a template folder. You can look that up if you want to see how to do templates. This is to show you some specific templates. You’re going to see I have three different templates for Zettel Cast and it’s fleeting literature Map of Content. You’ll notice I don’t have a permanent template because my fleeting ones are going to become permanent. Let me show you first what they look like in their raw form. You can see they’ve got this funny date time. And then here’s my mock. To just show you how this works, you’re going to make a new page. Let’s just say you have a new fleeting thought, new fleeting. What you’re going to want to do is you can set a hotkey or if you haven’t set up hotkeys for this yet.


You can open up your command palette, and then you type in template and then insert template. You can pick out of your folder which template you want to use. And I’m going to use fleeting. It’s going to insert it into your document. You’re going to see here that it took the template for fleeting this date, semicolon or colon, sorry, with this format that will actually, when you copy paste it will pull the date into your document, which is useful for the fleeting ones, just in case it takes you a minute to turn them into permanent ones. And then you’ll just type it out. Here’s your content. It’s no more complicated than that. The whole idea is it’s supposed to be like a little scrap piece of paper to do fairly quickly. You’re not supposed to spend a lot of time on this. That would be defeating the purpose.


You’ll notice I have a Fleeting tag on here. I don’t use tags very much, but I do use it for this. I so then you can leave the overarching concepts blank for now if you want. If something comes to mind that it ties into some of your other overarching concepts that you think about quite a bit, you can throw something in here like let’s just say this is personal investing, which is something I think about a good bit. You can go ahead and tag it if you want, and then you’re done. Write your thing, get back to whatever you’re doing. Simple as that. All right, so now let’s say you’re watching a podcast, like I was watching Alex from Oz podcast earlier on this evening. You’re going to go again to Command. You’re going to go to template, insert template, and then this is going to be literature.


Again, I’m going to have the date. It’s going to have tags, but then it’s going to have a reference. Here’s where you put the, whatever the link is, you put it here so that you can reference back to it and then you can quote stuff from it. You can type out your thoughts, whatever you want to do. And I actually do not delete these. I know some zelda cast and proponents say to synthesize your literature notes and put them somewhere else, put them into a permanent note. You can I guess I personally just leave them so that I can remember I mean, I’m going to pull stuff out of it still to put into permanent notes, but I’m still going to leave the literature note just to have all my thoughts on that topic, just in case. Again, that’s just personal preference. That’s why I don’t have a tag for this.


So that’s sort of the literature note. For the fleeting note, I’m going to go back to this because it’s got the fleeting tag. The whole point of this is that I’m going to turn this into just basically just turn this into a permanent note. You can leave the creation date if you want to, you can leave the overarching concepts you want to. Once you’re done given an additional thought and it’s finished, then I’m just going to delete this fleeting tag. And now it’s a permanent note. You may need to rename new term just depending on your organizational system. I just create new permanent notes out of my fleeting notes. If I have a note that’s still tagged fleeting, then I’m going to need to deal with that, turn into a permanent note and delete it or move the information over somewhere else. The final template is for your map of content.


You notice I got a nice little green thing. Let me show you. I’ll show you one of mine. So let’s just use the same example. Personal investing. Well, I guess I have it here, don’t I? This is one of my mocks and then you’re going to see that this is the way it’ll format for you. This is just a nice little I guess I’m sitting called them call outs and it just gives a nice little bit of color. I have this is just one of the few other tags I use for mock, just in case. Really the only purpose of this website or the mock is it’s an index. You’re going to index your major topics on personal investing. You see, I have websites and I do some real estate stocks and bonds, et cetera, and I’m considering getting into some more brick and mortar type businesses.


This is just an index and you’ll just click through to these to work on them. This should be a lot of content here. It’s mostly just a map. That’s why it’s a mock. It’s a map of content. It’s not a full summary of each individual subtopic. So that is how I do mine. Again, what I will do is I have these three, the fleeting, the literature map of content. I will just put it in a paste bin file, put it in the comment below or I guess in the show note, whichever I can put it in. I’ll probably just put it in both and then you can just copy paste it into an empty note, name it however you want to name it, put it in a templates folder and you’ll be good to go. You will spend less time messing around with this and more time watching and researching and thinking than I have spent putting this video together for you.


This was useful. Let me know if I missed anything or you have any other questions about my very simple process, let me know. And I hope you enjoyed. Thanks.

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