Best Methods To Implement Sharepoint In A Non-Profit

As a non-profit organization, we understand the importance of utilizing efficient tools and technology to streamline our processes. SharePoint has become an increasingly popular platform for organizations to manage their documents, collaborate with team members, and automate workflows. However, implementing SharePoint can be overwhelming without proper planning and execution.

In this article, we will share our experience and best methods for implementing SharePoint in a non-profit organization. We will guide you through setting clear goals for your implementation, utilizing SharePoint’s document management capabilities, fostering team collaboration and communication, automating workflows and streamlining processes as well as training your staff to ensure successful adoption.

By following these steps, you can improve productivity within your organization while maximizing the benefits of SharePoint.

Plan and Set Clear Goals for Your Implementation

Establishing a coherent and well-defined implementation plan, complete with unambiguous objectives, is crucial for introducing SharePoint within the nonprofit sector.

The importance of stakeholder buy-in cannot be overstated, as it’s these individuals who’ll ultimately determine the success or failure of your implementation. It’s essential to involve all stakeholders in the planning process and ensure that their input is taken into account when defining project goals and objectives.

Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) is another critical component of implementing SharePoint successfully. These KPIs should align with your organization’s overall mission and vision and help measure progress towards achieving specific goals.

By regularly monitoring these metrics, you can quickly identify any areas that require improvement, make data-driven decisions, and adjust your approach accordingly.

Overall, careful planning and clear goal-setting are fundamental to ensuring a successful SharePoint implementation in the nonprofit sector.

Utilize SharePoint’s Document Management Capabilities

At our organization, we’ve found that utilizing SharePoint’s document management capabilities has been crucial for streamlining our processes and improving collaboration.

By organizing our documents and folders in a clear and consistent manner, we can easily find what we need when we need it. We also make use of versioning and approval workflows to ensure that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information, while maintaining control over who can make changes.

Additionally, co-authoring and collaboration features allow multiple team members to work on the same document simultaneously, saving time and increasing productivity.

Organize Your Documents and Folders

To organize your documents effectively, start by creating a hierarchy of folders that makes sense for your organization. Use descriptive names for each folder, so it’s clear what type of documents are contained within.

Utilize metadata tagging to make it easier to search for specific types of content. Set up access control and permissions based on the needs of your organization. This could mean limiting access to sensitive documents or allowing certain teams or individuals more editing capabilities.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that everyone in your non-profit has easy access to the information they need while also maintaining security and confidentiality as needed. Make sure your documents and folders are neatly arranged and easy to navigate for anyone who needs access. This means creating a folder structure that makes sense and utilizing metadata tagging to help categorize your documents.

It’s also important to set up access control and permissions, so only authorized users can view or edit certain documents.

Use Versioning and Approval Workflows

To ensure that your documents are always up-to-date and accurate, you need to use versioning and approval workflows. Versioning benefits allow you to keep track of changes made to a document over time. This way, you can easily view and compare different versions of the same document and identify any discrepancies or errors. Additionally, by using versioning, you can avoid overwriting valuable information or losing important data.

Approval workflow customization is another essential feature in SharePoint for non-profit organizations. With approval workflows, you can set up a process where designated individuals review and approve changes made to documents before they’re published or circulated. This ensures that all changes go through an appropriate vetting process and helps maintain consistency within your organization’s documentation practices.

By customizing these workflows, you can tailor them to fit your specific needs and ensure that everyone involved in the approval process is clear on their responsibilities and expectations.

Utilize Co-Authoring and Collaboration Features

You can work together with your team members seamlessly and efficiently by utilizing SharePoint’s co-authoring and collaboration features, allowing you to create, edit, and review documents simultaneously in real-time. This feature is particularly helpful when working on large projects that require input from multiple people.

Here are some best practices for using these features:

  • Set clear expectations: Before beginning a collaborative project, make sure everyone understands their role and responsibilities.
  • Establish communication guidelines: Decide how often you’ll communicate with each other and what tools you’ll use (e.g., email, instant messaging).
  • Use version control: Keep track of changes made by each team member to avoid confusion.
  • Encourage feedback: Welcome constructive criticism from your colleagues and use it to improve your work.
  • Measure success: Evaluate the effectiveness of your collaboration efforts by tracking metrics such as completion time or user satisfaction.

Real-life examples show that utilizing SharePoint’s co-authoring and collaboration features can lead to significant improvements in productivity and efficiency. By continuously improving your team’s use of these tools, you can ensure that your organization is making the most out of its investment in SharePoint.

Foster Team Collaboration and Communication

When working together towards a shared goal, it’s important to keep the lines of communication open and foster collaboration among team members. Utilizing virtual meetings and various communication channels can help bring everyone together regardless of location or time zone. SharePoint offers a range of tools that support team collaboration, such as Microsoft Teams integration, chat features, and document co-authoring.

To foster effective teamwork in your non-profit organization, it’s essential to establish clear communication channels and encourage open dialogue. This includes setting up regular virtual meetings where team members can discuss ongoing projects and share updates on their progress.

Additionally, utilizing SharePoint’s chat features allows for quick and easy communication between team members without having to send multiple emails or messages through different platforms. By fostering a collaborative environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute their ideas and perspectives, you can increase productivity while also creating a sense of community among your team.

Automate Workflows and Streamline Processes

To successfully automate workflows, it’s essential to first identify which tasks are most suitable for automation. This could include anything from data entry to document management. Once these tasks have been identified, it’s important to design a system that will effectively automate them while still ensuring quality control.

This may involve selecting the right software or tools for the job and creating custom workflows tailored specifically to your organization’s needs. By optimizing processes through automation, non-profits can save time and resources while improving overall efficiency.

Streamlining processes through automation can save time and frustration, making work more efficient and enjoyable for everyone involved. Workflow automation is the process of using technology to automate repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more important work.

Process optimization involves identifying areas that can be improved and then implementing changes that make the workflow faster, smoother, and less prone to error.

Train Your Staff and Ensure Adoption

Get your team on board with the new SharePoint processes by providing effective training and ensuring user engagement. As a non-profit organization, it’s important to maximize resources and streamline operations.

Properly training staff on how to use SharePoint can improve efficiency and productivity in record-keeping, communication, and collaboration. Effective training doesn’t just mean showing someone how to complete a task in SharePoint. It involves explaining why certain processes have changed and the benefits of using the platform.

It’s also important to give staff time to practice what they’ve learned so they feel comfortable using SharePoint in their daily work. Providing ongoing support through workshops or check-ins can boost user engagement and encourage adoption of the new system.

With proper training and engagement efforts, your team can be confident navigating the uncharted waters of implementing SharePoint in a non-profit setting.


In conclusion, implementing SharePoint in a non-profit organization can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be a game changer. By setting clear goals and planning ahead, you can ensure that your implementation meets your needs and those of your team.

Utilizing SharePoint’s document management capabilities and fostering collaboration and communication among team members is critical to success. It’s also essential to automate workflows and streamline processes to maximize efficiency. Lastly, training staff on the use of SharePoint is crucial to its adoption and successful implementation.

With these best practices in mind, you can take full advantage of what SharePoint has to offer—improving productivity, increasing transparency, and ultimately achieving greater impact for your organization’s mission. As Maya Angelou once said: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

So let’s do our best with implementing SharePoint in non-profits—and when we learn more about it—let’s do even better!

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