Best Methods To Implement Sharepoint In A Small Business

As a small business, we understand the importance of having an efficient and organized system to manage our daily operations. That’s why we turned to SharePoint – a powerful tool that can help us streamline our workflows, collaborate efficiently, and store important information securely.

However, implementing SharePoint can be daunting for small businesses with limited resources and expertise. In this article, we will share some of the best methods that we have found to implement SharePoint successfully in our own organization.

From assessing your business needs to training your staff, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure a smooth transition into using this valuable tool. So let’s dive in!

Assess Your Business Needs

You need to assess your company’s requirements before diving into any SharePoint solution. Identifying the specific needs of your small business is crucial to determine which SharePoint features are necessary and how they can be integrated efficiently.

Some factors that could impact your decision include the size of your organization, the type of data you need to store, and the level of collaboration required among team members. Conducting a feasibility analysis can also help you understand the potential challenges and benefits of implementing SharePoint in your business.

This involves analyzing factors such as cost, infrastructure requirements, user adoption, and technical expertise. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your investment in SharePoint aligns with your goals and budget while maximizing its value for improving communication, collaboration, and productivity within your organization.

Plan Your Implementation

When implementing SharePoint in our small business, creating a clear implementation plan is essential. This is to ensure that everyone involved understands their role and the timeline for completion. We need to determine our timeline, budget, and resources carefully to avoid any unexpected delays or setbacks.

Assigning responsibilities is also crucial. This will help keep the project on track, and ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them.

Create a Clear Implementation Plan

Crafting a concise and detailed plan is crucial to ensure the successful deployment of the SharePoint platform in your small business.

The first step is to assess your company’s implementation readiness. This involves evaluating if your organization has the necessary resources, skills, and infrastructure to support a SharePoint deployment. You should also identify potential roadblocks that may impede the success of the project.

Next, it’s essential to engage all stakeholders early on in the planning process. This includes employees who’ll be using SharePoint regularly, IT staff responsible for maintaining the platform, and any other relevant departments or individuals within your organization. By involving all stakeholders from the beginning, everyone can provide input and feedback into how best to implement SharePoint in their respective areas of responsibility.

Taking these steps will help ensure that you have a clear implementation plan that’s tailored specifically to your organization’s needs and goals, setting you up for success from day one.

Determine Your Timeline, Budget, and Resources

Now it’s time to figure out how long it’ll take, how much money you’ll need, and what resources are required for your SharePoint project.

Starting with the timeline, you should determine when you want the implementation of SharePoint to be completed. This deadline should be realistic and achievable based on the size of your business and the scope of the project. You can break down the implementation into smaller phases or stages to make it more manageable and easier to track progress.

When it comes to budget constraints, it’s important to consider all costs associated with implementing SharePoint. These include licensing fees, hardware upgrades, consulting fees (if necessary), training costs for employees, and ongoing maintenance expenses. It’s important that you have a clear understanding of how much money is available for this project so that you can allocate resources appropriately.

Resource allocation is also crucial because you’ll need people with specific skills or expertise to get things done efficiently. Whether these individuals are internal staff members or external contractors/vendors, their availability needs to be factored into your timeline so that delays don’t occur due to scheduling conflicts.

Ultimately, careful planning will help ensure a successful implementation of SharePoint in your small business while minimizing any potential risks or setbacks.

Assign Responsibilities

Let’s divvy up the tasks and make sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for in order to ensure a smooth and successful implementation of SharePoint. Assigning responsibilities is crucial to avoid confusion and overlapping efforts.

First, identify key stakeholders who’ll be involved in the project, such as IT staff, department heads, and end-users. Then, create a list of specific tasks required for the implementation process, including planning, configuration, testing, training, and maintenance. Assign each task to an individual or team based on their expertise and availability.

Team collaboration is essential during the implementation process. Establish communication channels among team members through regular meetings or updates via email or instant messaging platforms. Encourage open discussion and feedback to resolve any issues or roadblocks that may arise during the project.

Also consider creating a shared space where all relevant documents can be stored for easy access by all team members. By assigning responsibilities and promoting effective team collaboration, you can streamline your SharePoint implementation process and achieve success with your new system.

Customize Your SharePoint Solution

You can tailor your SharePoint platform to fit your company’s unique needs, like a custom-tailored suit for your business. Customizing your SharePoint solution involves branding and user adoption.

Branding is important because it helps create a consistent image for your business. You can apply your company logo, color scheme, and other visual elements to your SharePoint site so that it looks familiar to employees and clients alike.

User adoption is crucial because if people don’t use the system you’ve put in place, it won’t be effective. One way to encourage user adoption is by making the platform easy to use. This means organizing content in an intuitive way, providing clear instructions on how to complete tasks, and ensuring that everything works smoothly.

Another way to promote user adoption is by training employees on how to use the system effectively. By investing time into customization and user adoption strategies, you’ll ensure that your SharePoint solution meets the unique needs of your small business and helps increase productivity across the board.

Train Your Staff

Ensure your staff is well-equipped to utilize the platform by providing comprehensive training sessions that cover all aspects of using SharePoint effectively. Training techniques can vary depending on the size and structure of your company, but it’s important to tailor training to meet the needs of your employees.

One technique could be offering one-on-one sessions for those who need more individualized attention, while group sessions can be useful for introducing new features or updates. Employee engagement is a crucial aspect of successful training.

Encouraging participation and feedback during training sessions can help employees feel more comfortable with the platform and increase their confidence in using it. Additionally, offering ongoing support and resources such as tutorials or a help desk can ensure that your staff continues to develop their skills and stay up-to-date with any changes or updates to SharePoint.

By investing in comprehensive training and ongoing support, you’re setting your small business up for long-term success with SharePoint.

Overcome Common Challenges

If you’re tired of struggling with the same SharePoint obstacles and want to start conquering them like a superhero, then it’s time to dive into this section on overcoming common challenges.

One of the biggest roadblocks small businesses face when implementing SharePoint is managing expectations. It’s important to communicate with your team about what SharePoint can and cannot do for your business. This will help set realistic expectations and avoid disappointment down the line.

Another common challenge is communication breakdowns between team members during the implementation process. To overcome this, try implementing these strategies:

  • Schedule regular check-ins with all stakeholders involved in the implementation process
  • Encourage open communication channels between team members
  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team member involved in the project

By taking steps to manage expectations and improve communication, you’ll be well on your way to successfully implementing SharePoint in your small business.


In conclusion, implementing SharePoint in a small business can be a game-changer when done properly. By assessing your business needs and planning the implementation carefully, you can customize your SharePoint solution to fit seamlessly into your organization’s workflow.

It’s important to train your staff adequately to ensure they understand the benefits of using SharePoint and how it will improve their productivity. While there may be common challenges in implementing SharePoint, such as resistance from employees or difficulty with customization, these obstacles can be overcome with proper training and support.

One objection that may arise is the cost associated with implementing SharePoint. However, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits of increased efficiency and collaboration among team members. The initial investment will pay off in time saved and improved communication within your company.

To visualize this idea, think about a spider web – each strand represents a different aspect of your business that can benefit from using SharePoint. As you strengthen each strand by incorporating SharePoint into various departments, your web becomes more resilient and efficient overall.

With patience and dedication, you’ll soon see the positive impact that SharePoint can have on your small business operations.

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