Best Methods To Implement Sharepoint In A Technology Company

If you’re a technology company looking to streamline your operations and improve collaboration among employees, implementing SharePoint is an excellent solution. But with so many features and capabilities, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

That’s why understanding the best methods for implementing SharePoint in a technology company is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the key steps you need to take to ensure a successful implementation of SharePoint.

From assessing your company’s needs and goals, planning your strategy, training your employees, monitoring and evaluating your implementation, to continuously improving it – we’ll provide you with practical tips and insights on how to get the most out of this powerful collaboration tool.

So if you’re ready to take your business processes to the next level while enhancing teamwork and productivity, keep reading!

Assess Your Company’s Needs and Goals

You need to evaluate your company’s objectives and requirements to determine the most effective approach for utilizing SharePoint. This involves assessing the potential return on investment (ROI) of implementing SharePoint, as well as identifying the customization options that will best meet your company’s needs.

In order to assess ROI, you should consider factors such as cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved collaboration among employees. Additionally, it’s important to identify the specific customization options that will be most beneficial for your company.

This could include custom workflows, document libraries, or site templates that are tailored to your business needs. By taking a detailed and analytical approach to evaluating your company’s goals and requirements for using SharePoint, you can ensure that you implement the platform in a way that maximizes its benefits for your organization.

Plan Your Implementation Strategy

Let’s map out how we can make sure our SharePoint rollout goes smoothly. The first step is to create an implementation timeline that outlines the different stages of the process and sets realistic deadlines for each one. This will help ensure that everyone involved in the project stays on track and that there are no unexpected delays.

Your timeline should include key milestones such as when you plan to have your SharePoint environment set up, when you’ll start migrating data from legacy systems, and when users can expect to be trained on how to use the new platform.

Next, it’s important to allocate resources appropriately so that you have enough manpower, budget, and technology infrastructure to support your SharePoint implementation. You’ll need a dedicated team of IT professionals who have experience with SharePoint development and administration, as well as project managers who can oversee the entire process.

You may also need to purchase additional hardware or software licenses if your existing infrastructure is not sufficient. By planning your resource allocation carefully upfront, you can avoid running into roadblocks later on in the implementation process and ensure a successful rollout of SharePoint within your technology company.

Train Your Employees

To successfully implement SharePoint in your technology company, it’s crucial to train your employees on its features and capabilities.

Providing comprehensive training will ensure that everyone is equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to use the platform effectively.

Encouraging employee adoption is also important, as this will help drive engagement and maximize the benefits of using SharePoint.

By prioritizing training and adoption, you can set your team up for success with this powerful tool.

Provide Comprehensive Training on SharePoint Features

It’s crucial to offer in-depth training on the various features and functionalities of SharePoint to fully utilize its capabilities within the organization. Interactive demos can be a great way to engage users and show them how these features work in real-time.

Here are three ways you can provide comprehensive training on SharePoint features:

  1. Conduct hands-on workshops: Offer employees the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops where they can learn about SharePoint’s different components and functionality. This approach will enable employees to understand how they can leverage different aspects of SharePoint for their specific roles.
  2. Create video tutorials: Video tutorials are an excellent resource that allows employees to learn at their own pace, whenever and wherever it suits them best. Make sure you cover all relevant topics, including creating lists, document libraries, workflows, and permissions management.
  3. Develop user guides: User guides are another valuable resource that provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the various features of SharePoint effectively. These guides should be designed with clarity, ease-of-use, and accessibility in mind.

By providing comprehensive training on SharePoint’s various features through interactive demos or other methods mentioned above, your organization will be better equipped to harness its full potential while improving overall user engagement levels among staff members.

Encourage Employee Adoption

Encourage your team to embrace SharePoint by highlighting success stories from other departments or teams who’ve already integrated the platform into their workflows. Share stories of how a sales team streamlined their pipeline management using SharePoint as a central hub, or how HR was able to improve communication and collaboration with employees through the use of SharePoint’s document sharing and feedback features.

By showcasing these examples, you can motivate your team to adopt SharePoint and take advantage of its capabilities. To further encourage employee adoption, consider implementing gamification techniques. This could include setting up friendly competitions or challenges that require the use of SharePoint, such as completing a certain number of tasks within the platform in a given time period.

Additionally, communicate regularly with your team about the benefits and value of using SharePoint in their daily work. Consider hosting training sessions or creating resources that highlight different ways they can incorporate SharePoint into their processes. By taking a proactive approach to encouraging employee adoption, you can help ensure that your technology company fully utilizes all that SharePoint has to offer.

Monitor and Evaluate Your Implementation

As you work to implement SharePoint in your technology company, it’s important to monitor and evaluate the success of your efforts.

This means tracking usage and adoption rates to see how employees are engaging with the platform. Additionally, gathering feedback from your team can provide valuable insights into areas that could be improved or expanded upon.

By staying proactive in your evaluation process, you can continue to make adjustments and improvements that will help ensure the long-term success of SharePoint within your organization.

Track Usage and Adoption Rates


Track usage and adoption rates


Keeping track of how often employees are using the platform and how quickly they are adapting to it is crucial for measuring success and making necessary adjustments. Here are four ways to track usage and adoption rates:

  1. Utilize analytics tools: Use data analysis to monitor user engagement, such as tracking page views, document downloads, and search queries.
  2. Conduct surveys: Ask employees for feedback on their experience with the platform, including what they like and dislike about it.
  3. Monitor training completion: Keep track of who has completed training sessions related to the platform to ensure that all employees have received proper education on its use.
  4. Set goals and benchmarks: Establish specific goals for usage and adoption rates, then regularly measure progress towards those benchmarks.

By consistently monitoring usage and adoption rates through these methods, you can identify areas where improvements can be made in order to increase employee engagement with the platform. This will ultimately lead to a more successful implementation of SharePoint within your technology company.

Gather Feedback and Make Improvements

Now that you’ve been tracking usage and adoption rates, it’s time to gather feedback and make improvements.

One of the best ways to ensure SharePoint’s success in your technology company is by analyzing user feedback regularly. This not only helps identify areas for improvement but also shows users that their opinions are valued.

Feedback analysis can be done through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews with employees. It’s essential to ask open-ended questions rather than leading ones to get honest and detailed feedback.

Once you have gathered enough data, start categorizing and prioritizing the issues based on their impact on user experience. User experience testing is another useful way to gather insights into how employees interact with SharePoint.

These tests involve observing employees using SharePoint, noting any difficulties they face while navigating the platform, and gathering suggestions for improvement.

By incorporating feedback analysis and user experience testing into your SharePoint implementation strategy, you can create a platform that meets the needs of your employees while improving efficiency across your organization.

Continuously Improve Your SharePoint Implementation

To make the most of your SharePoint platform, it’s important to always be looking for ways to improve user experience and increase productivity. Are you regularly seeking out feedback from your team and making adjustments accordingly?

One way to continuously improve your implementation is by keeping track of measurement metrics such as how often certain features are utilized or how long it takes users to complete tasks. This data can help identify areas that need improvement and guide future updates.

In addition to tracking metrics, gathering user feedback is crucial in understanding what is working well and what needs improvement. Encourage employees to share their thoughts on the platform through surveys or open discussions. Take note of common pain points and work towards finding solutions.

By continuously improving your SharePoint implementation, you can ensure that it remains a valuable tool for your technology company’s success.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully implemented SharePoint in your technology company. But wait, did you really think it would be that easy? Oh no, my friend. The real work has just begun.

You thought you had everything under control with your carefully crafted implementation strategy and employee training program. But now it’s time to face the harsh reality of monitoring and evaluating your implementation.

Are all departments using SharePoint effectively? Are there any glitches or bugs that need to be fixed? And let’s not forget about continuously improving your implementation. Because let’s face it, technology is constantly evolving and so should your use of SharePoint.

So buckle up, my dear reader, because the journey to a successful SharePoint implementation is never-ending. But don’t worry, with careful planning and proactive measures, you can navigate through any obstacles that come your way.

Just remember to always assess your company’s needs and goals, plan strategically, train diligently, monitor consistently, and continuously improve. Good luck on this never-ending adventure!

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