Bitrix24 Versus Freshdesk: Which Is Better?

When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM) software, businesses have a plethora of options to choose from. Two popular platforms in the market are Bitrix24 and Freshdesk.

Both offer robust features that aim to streamline business operations, enhance customer experience, and boost efficiency.

In this article, we will compare the two platforms based on their features, pricing plans, user experience, and customer support. This objective analysis will help businesses make an informed decision when choosing between Bitrix24 and Freshdesk.

Regardless of which platform ultimately proves superior for your particular needs, understanding the pros and cons of each can provide valuable insights into CRM software as a whole.

Overview of Bitrix24 and Freshdesk Platforms

The following section provides an overview of the platforms available for both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk, highlighting their respective features and functionalities.

Bitrix24 is a collaboration tool that enables team members to communicate, collaborate on projects, share files, manage tasks and appointments, and track work progress. The platform also offers CRM (Customer Relationship Management) functionality that allows businesses to track customer interactions, sales leads and opportunities.

On the other hand, Freshdesk is a customer service platform that streamlines the process of responding to customer inquiries across multiple channels such as email, phone calls, social media messages or chat. The software provides agents with access to all relevant information about the customers they are interacting with in real-time. It also allows businesses to set up automated workflows for ticket management and escalation.

Overall, while both platforms offer different functionalities suited for different business needs; they are designed to improve productivity by providing efficient communication channels between team members or customers.

Comparison of Features

This section will provide a detailed comparison of the key features offered by Bitrix24 and Freshdesk platforms. The discussion will focus on:

  • Task management
  • Communication tools
  • CRM
  • Project management
  • Ticket management
  • Automation
  • Analytics

An objective analysis of these features will help readers make an informed decision when choosing between the two platforms based on their specific needs and requirements.

Task Management

Effective task management is a crucial aspect of enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows in modern business operations. Both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer task management features that allow businesses to delegate tasks, track progress, and improve collaboration among team members. However, there are some differences between the two platforms.

On Bitrix24, users can create tasks with due dates and priorities, assign them to specific team members, set reminders and deadlines, and track progress through Gantt charts. Additionally, Bitrix24 allows for time tracking on tasks which can be useful for billing or analyzing employee efficiency.

On the other hand, Freshdesk offers a simpler task management system where users can create tickets for specific issues or requests and assign them to agents with due dates. While it lacks some of the advanced features of Bitrix24’s task management toolset such as time tracking or dependency setting between tasks, Freshdesk’s approach may be more intuitive for businesses who do not need such extensive project management tools.

Communication Tools

Communication tools are an essential aspect of modern business operations, and Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer different features to facilitate effective communication.

In terms of real-time messaging, both platforms provide chat functionality that enables teams to collaborate quickly and efficiently. Bitrix24 also offers video conferencing capabilities, allowing users to conduct virtual meetings with colleagues or clients from anywhere in the world.

Freshdesk focuses more on email communication, providing a shared inbox that allows multiple team members to manage customer inquiries and support tickets. While it does not have built-in video conferencing like Bitrix24, Freshdesk integrates with third-party apps such as Zoom and Google Meet for video calls.

Ultimately, the choice between these two platforms will depend on a business’s specific needs for communication tools. Companies requiring frequent face-to-face interactions may prefer Bitrix24’s video conferencing feature, while those focused on email correspondence may find Freshdesk’s shared inbox more beneficial.


The Current Section of the article delves into Customer Relationship Management (CRM), a crucial aspect of modern business operations that involves managing customer interactions and data to improve business relationships.

Integrating CRM software with other communication tools can streamline customer data management, enhance team collaboration, and provide better insights into customer behavior.

Bitrix24 offers a comprehensive CRM system that allows businesses to manage sales pipelines, track leads and deals, automate workflows, and monitor customer interactions across multiple channels.

Freshdesk also offers a CRM solution that helps businesses manage leads, contacts, deals, and tasks from a unified platform.

Choosing the right CRM for your business depends on several factors such as the size of your organization, industry verticals you operate in, budget constraints, scalability requirements, and user experience.

Both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer customizable CRM solutions that cater to different business needs.

However, Bitrix24 has an edge over Freshdesk when it comes to providing an all-in-one platform with robust features such as project management tools, HR management suite, marketing automation capabilities along with its powerful CRM system.

Ultimately the choice between Bitrix24 or Freshdesk boils down to selecting a tool that aligns with your specific business needs while ensuring seamless integration with existing communication systems in place.

Project Management

Moving on from the previous subtopic of CRM, we now dive into the realm of project management. In this aspect, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer a range of features that enable businesses to manage their projects effectively.

Project management involves coordinating resources, tasks and timelines in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. It is an essential component for any organization that seeks to streamline its operations and maintain efficiency.

One of the collaboration benefits offered by both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk is team coordination. With these software tools, project managers can assign tasks to team members, track progress in real-time, communicate with stakeholders using messaging platforms, as well as share files and documents securely. These features make it easier for teams to collaborate remotely or in-house while ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding project deliverables.

Furthermore, these tools also provide dashboards that allow users to visualize data concerning project status, timelines and milestones; this enhances transparency among team members which leads to improved decision-making processes.

Ticket Management

Efficient ticket management is a critical aspect of customer service, and both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk provide comprehensive tools for businesses to streamline their support processes. Both platforms offer features such as automated ticket assignment, prioritization, and tracking to ensure timely resolution of customer issues.

However, there are some differences between the two when it comes to integration options and reporting capabilities. Bitrix24 offers seamless integration with a range of third-party applications such as Mailchimp, Zendesk, and PayPal. This makes it easier for businesses to manage their customer interactions across multiple channels from a single platform. In addition, Bitrix24’s reporting capabilities are extensive, allowing businesses to generate custom reports on various aspects of their support operations such as agent performance and ticket volume trends.

On the other hand, while Freshdesk also offers integration options with popular apps like Salesforce and Google Analytics, its reporting capabilities may not be as robust as Bitrix24’s. The platform provides standard reports that cover metrics such as response time and resolution rates but lacks the ability to create custom reports without using third-party integrations or coding skills.

Overall, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer competent ticket management solutions that can help businesses enhance their customer support operations depending on their specific needs.


In the previous subtopic, we discussed ticket management in Bitrix24 and Freshdesk. Now, let us move on to the current subtopic: Automation.

The benefits of automation in customer service cannot be overstated as it helps businesses to streamline their operations. With automation, businesses can reduce response times, improve customer satisfaction, and keep track of all customer interactions efficiently.

Implementing automation in Bitrix24 and Freshdesk is simple as both platforms provide comprehensive tools for automating various tasks such as assigning tickets to agents based on their skill set or experience level, setting up automated responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs), and sending reminders to customers about upcoming appointments or deadlines.

Bitrix24 offers a wide range of automation features that include workflow automation, business process management (BPM), and task automation while Freshdesk provides advanced automation capabilities through its ‘Automations’ feature that allows users to automate repetitive tasks such as ticket assignments and follow-ups.

In summary, implementing automation in Bitrix24 or Freshdesk can help organizations enhance their customer service delivery by reducing response times and improving overall efficiency.


Analytics is a crucial aspect of customer service that enables businesses to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and satisfaction levels. With the help of data insights and performance metrics, businesses can identify trends, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and make informed decisions about how to improve their services.

Bitrix24 offers robust analytics features that allow users to track KPIs, monitor team efficiency, and generate reports on customer interactions. Users can also set up custom dashboards that display real-time data on sales performance, customer feedback, and other important metrics.

Freshdesk also provides powerful analytics tools that enable businesses to monitor agent productivity, measure customer satisfaction levels through net promoter scores (NPS), and track key business metrics such as ticket volume and resolution times. Additionally, Freshdesk’s AI-powered reporting engine provides advanced analytics capabilities such as predictive modeling and trend analysis.

Overall, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer comprehensive analytics features that can help businesses gain deeper insights into their customers’ needs and preferences while improving operational efficiency. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms will depend on each business’s specific needs in terms of automation capabilities, integrations with other systems, pricing models, and overall user experience.

Pricing and Plans

A comparison of the pricing and plans for Bitrix24 and Freshdesk reveals important differences that may impact a company’s decision-making process.

Bitrix24 offers a free plan with limited features, as well as premium plans ranging from $19 to $159 per month, depending on the number of users and features required.

In contrast, Freshdesk has four pricing tiers: Sprout (free), Blossom ($15 per agent per month), Garden ($35 per agent per month) and Estate ($69 per agent per month). The higher-priced tiers offer more advanced features such as automation workflows, time tracking, and custom reports.

When it comes to cost comparison, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer value for money depending on the needs of the organization.

For smaller businesses that require basic customer service management tools, Bitrix24’s free plan may be sufficient. However, larger organizations with more complex requirements may find Freshdesk’s higher-priced tiers more suitable due to their advanced functionality.

Ultimately, companies should consider their specific needs when evaluating pricing options for these two software systems in order to make an informed decision that aligns with their budgetary constraints and business objectives.

User Experience and Customer Support

The quality of user experience and customer support offered by software systems like Bitrix24 and Freshdesk can greatly affect an organization’s satisfaction with the product.

When it comes to UI design comparison, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that are easy to navigate. However, Bitrix24 stands out with its customizable dashboard feature, which allows users to personalize their workspace according to their needs.

In terms of support team responsiveness, both platforms provide a range of support options such as email, phone, chat, and knowledge base. Bitrix24 also offers a community forum where users can ask questions and share best practices. However, some users have reported longer wait times for Freshdesk’s customer service compared to Bitrix24’s prompt response.

Overall, while both systems offer satisfactory user experiences and customer support options, Bitrix24 might be the better choice for organizations looking for customization options and fast response times from their support team.

Final Verdict and Recommendations

The final verdict and recommendations for Bitrix24 and Freshdesk have been reached after considering several factors, including user experience, customer support, features, and pricing. Both systems have their pros and cons, making it difficult to choose one over the other without taking into account individual business needs.

Bitrix24 offers an all-in-one solution with a wide range of features that can cater to different business sizes. It provides excellent collaboration tools and customization options at a reasonable price point. However, its complex interface may require some training before users can fully utilize its functionalities.

On the other hand, Freshdesk offers a simpler interface that is easy to navigate even for beginners. Its ticket management system is top-notch, providing real-time updates on customer inquiries. However, its pricing tiers may not be suitable for smaller businesses looking for affordability.

In conclusion, it is recommended that businesses evaluate their specific requirements carefully before deciding which software system to use. Real-life examples from similar companies can also provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each platform in relation to specific industries or niches.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Bitrix24 or Freshdesk integrate with other third-party tools?

In the Integrations Comparison and Compatibility Analysis of Bitrix24 and Freshdesk, both platforms offer a range of third-party integrations. Bitrix24 integrates with over 50 applications, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack. It also offers an open API that allows users to create custom integrations.

On the other hand, Freshdesk integrates with over 150 apps such as Salesforce, Jira, and Shopify. Additionally, it offers a RESTful API that enables developers to create custom integrations seamlessly.

In terms of compatibility analysis with other third-party tools, both platforms seem to provide impressive integration capabilities. However, choosing between them should depend on specific business requirements and use cases rather than solely based on their integration capabilities.

What is the maximum number of users that can be added to Bitrix24 or Freshdesk?

Scalability comparison and user management capabilities are crucial factors to consider when selecting a business software application. Bitrix24 and Freshdesk are two such software applications that cater to the needs of businesses in terms of scalability and user management.

Both platforms have different maximum number limits for adding users, with Bitrix24 allowing up to 50,000 users while Freshdesk allows up to 5000 users on its enterprise plan. The scalability comparison between these two applications is evident, with Bitrix24 being more suitable for larger organizations than Freshdesk.

Additionally, both platforms offer robust user management capabilities, including access control, role-based permissions, and customizable profiles. Overall, businesses should carefully evaluate their needs regarding the number of users they intend to add before deciding which platform best suits their requirements.

Do Bitrix24 or Freshdesk offer a mobile app for users?

Both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer mobile apps for their users. The mobile app features for both platforms allow users to access their accounts, view tasks, tickets or leads, communicate with team members and clients on the go, manage projects and track time.

However, the user experience may vary depending on the platform chosen as each has its own unique interface design and usability features. Users can customize notifications to stay informed of updates in real-time through push notifications or email alerts.

The mobile apps provide easy access to data which is centralised across devices making it easier for teams to work collaboratively. Overall, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer robust mobile app features that enhance user productivity whilst providing a seamless user experience across multiple devices.

Are there any limitations to the file storage capacity in Bitrix24 or Freshdesk?

Exploring the file storage limitations in Bitrix24 and Freshdesk can have a significant impact on productivity and efficiency. Both platforms offer file management features that allow users to store, share, and access files easily. However, there are certain limitations to consider.

In Bitrix24, the free version provides 5GB of storage space while paid versions offer up to 1000GB for an additional fee. On the other hand, Freshdesk provides only 1GB of storage space in its free version and offers unlimited storage for its paid plans. These limitations may affect how businesses manage their files and collaborate with team members effectively.

It is important to compare these features before choosing which platform best suits one’s needs.

Can Bitrix24 or Freshdesk be customized to fit specific business needs?

Both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer a range of customization options that allow businesses to tailor their software to meet specific business requirements. These customization options include custom fields, workflows, and integrations with other tools.

Businesses can use these features to create unique workflows that are tailored to their specific needs, allowing them to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk offer extensive documentation and support resources that help businesses make the most of these customization options.

Overall, the ability to customize these platforms makes them ideal for businesses looking for a flexible solution that can be tailored to their unique needs.


In conclusion, both Bitrix24 and Freshdesk are powerful platforms that offer a wide range of features for businesses to manage their customer support operations effectively. While Bitrix24 has an edge in terms of its all-in-one platform that includes CRM, project management, and team collaboration tools, Freshdesk excels in providing a user-friendly interface and robust ticketing system.

When it comes to pricing, Freshdesk offers more flexible plans with lower costs compared to Bitrix24’s higher-priced plans. However, Bitrix24’s premium plan includes unlimited users and additional features such as telephony integration and workflow automation.

In terms of user experience and customer support, both platforms have strong offerings with responsive customer service teams and extensive knowledge bases. Ultimately, the choice between Bitrix24 versus Freshdesk depends on the specific needs of your business.

If you value an all-in-one platform with advanced features for multiple departments, then Bitrix24 may be the better option. On the other hand, if you prefer a straightforward ticketing system with lower costs and a simpler interface, then Freshdesk may be the way to go.

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