How to Adjust the UI Size in Obsidian

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there, Adam here. Today I want to talk about something that was recommended to me by a commenter which is actually really has improved my experience now with the Obsidian, and that is adjusting the UI and text size on your Obsidian. I have a 1440p monitor, 27 inch. So I guess that’s what is that? Ultra high definition, something like that.


This is the default settings look like this. You got your sort of a small.


UI on the left. You got your text with a strange it’s got lots of white space on both sides, or well, black space, I should say, with the dark format. So you can change your text size.


Either by holding down control and then.


Using the scroll wheel. Make it pretty small. So this was already max size. You got a lot of dead space here. Your next option is to go into your settings, go under editor and then you want to uncheck the readable line length box. Now it’ll take up the full screen. Still it looks a little weird because you got this. Your UI is too small. That’s the main problem. The buttons are really small. Look how small they are. A little hard to read, at least for somebody like me with bad eyes. Here’s where the real magic comes in. You can hold down Control and then hit the plus key or the minus key next to your backspace to make your entire UI element larger. So say like right about that. So look how much better that is. Now your lines when we’re like this, a little too stretched out.


Now with this size UI, it takes up a reasonable size, your text takes up a good size part of the screen. Your UI buttons are a decent size, easier to read, you can collapse if you want a little more space. This is just much cleaner and everything is bigger and easier to read. I thought this might be useful for other people that are using an ultra high definition or other widescreen type monitor. You can turn up your text size by now, control and scroll wheel and then you can change your UI size with control plus the equals key or the minus key next to backspace to make it bigger and smaller. Alright, I hope that was useful and I’m going to leave it like this. Hopefully for my future videos, this could be much easier for people on phones or other smaller screens to see what I’m doing.



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