How to Assign People in

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there. Good evening Adam here. I am going to very quickly today show you how to assign people to tasks in Monday. I’m going to show you the manual method for how to do it. I’m going to show you a couple of different automations. Just for some food for thought once you get to that point, because realistically automations are the way to go if you’re going to use Monday. Otherwise you could basically just do the same thing inside of an Excel spreadsheet. All right, so I’m going to create a new board so that we start fresh. That way I won’t be using any of my boards that already have current animations, which would really mess up the process. I’m going to delete all the items real quick just to give us a nice clean start. The manual way to do it is you have groups where you can create an item and an item is for most people a task.


Let’s just say here’s your task and then you want to assign a person to it on your team. You’re going to click on the person. You’re going to see a little face thing. They’ll show up right here. You just see a couple of people on our team and I can assign it to myself. I can assign it to anybody else in our team and they will get a notification that they were assigned if they have the notification set up to accept it. You can also have it email you if you want to have that level of, I guess, annoyance. I personally would have it set up. You just get a notification inside the program because the whole idea behind this program is to cut down on the amount of emails. So that’s how you manually sign. The second way to assign is automatically using automations.


This is really where you should try to get to. Let’s just say this is my board. This is Adams to do. The only person that’s going to have stuff assigned to him is me on this board. I don’t want to have to say, I don’t want to have to click on every time and click on my name. That’s annoying. We’re going to go into automations create. Here’s the basic ones and they already create some easy basic ones to get you started. Baby’s first steps. Essentially this is the one you would need if it’s just going to be assigned to the creator of if you’re just creating tasks for yourself, you can actually just use this template. It’s basically when an item or a task is created and you would assign the creator and the column. I’ll show you where that column is, but you’re going to assign the creator as the person.


Go back to here so let’s just do task three. See that’s, that person column and then you’re going to see it assigned myself. Now let’s say using a different example, I’m going to delete this one. Let’s just say, let’s just say somebody else in my organization can make tasks on this board. Well. I don’t want somebody else to be assigned. I don’t want the creator to be assigned. I want me to be assigned. We don’t really want to use an automation where the creator is the person. We want Adam to be the person on each one of these tasks. This time we’re going to create a custom automation and then the process is still pretty similar. An item is created, so you click one of the essentials. We’re going to assign and this is a drop down. Some of the most common ones are shown here.


You can click on more options. There’s a lot of different choices. Once you get to that point, then you’re having some fun. We’re going to assign, I want to assign Adam myself as the person for everything on this board. Now task four and you’re going to get well, might take a second. Come on board. Yeah, when item is created, we’ll see no, sometimes it’s slow. We’ll give it a second. Let’s just say and do another example. Let’s just say this is everybody’s D list. There it goes. Yeah, a little slow sometimes. So this is Adams and Mark. Let’s just say I want Adam on these, but I want actually Marks to be on those. So you can do it by group. You can add a new automation. When an item is created, you’ll see that a lot of times you have a plus. You can actually modify this first automation.


Only when item is in this group. Mark group, then you’ll assign to Mark. Sorry, I assign person, mark as person and then I’ll do the same for me. We’ll do item created and we’ll assign, we got to item is in group Adam. We will assign Adam assignee as person. I’m going to turn, I’m going to have these two and I’ll show you. I’m going to send him an email. He’ll be okay with it. Test five and then we’ll do test. You’ll see, I got a sign for that one. Mark got a sign for this one. That is a real basic and perhaps not so basic overview on some of the functionality you can use in automation. It really cuts down on the number of errors because you don’t have to remember to click on this and assign yourself. All right, I hope that was helpful.


If you have any questions about this, let me know. If you have any other questions, let me know that as well. This is how I get topics or new videos is questions from the audience, so to speak. Thanks.

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