How to Create a Simple Automated To Do List on

Transcript with Timestamps


Adam here with some more efficient stuff to show you how to easily set up a real basic todo list on Monday. This is who I have been using personally and I’ve been using in my day job, which is a law firm. I wanted to show you there’s a lot of overwhelming number of options when it comes to this program. I wanted to just get in real quick, show you how to make to do list that’s automated that you can use to show priority. We’ll really just get you up and running quickly so that you can just hit the ground running and start to play with some of the other automation and options later down the road once you’ve got a better idea what exactly you want to get out of this program. We are in my test work space and I am just going to really quick make a new board basic and I’m going to make it private.


The only person that shows up here is me. All right, so this is basically what it looks like, right? When you open a new board, you’re going to get a couple of different things with a couple of random dates. I don’t particularly like this. Okay, so we’re just going to clear this out, start from scratch and delete these two options as well. All right, so we’re going to have just three main groups. We’re going to have our to do, we’re going to have a priority and then finally we’re going to have finished. I’m going to change the colors just so they correspond, which you’ll see here. In a second, priority is going to be red and then to do will be just put gray. We’re going to change the order around. Priority should be up top, finished at the bottom. Try to make this as confusing as possible.


There we go. All right, so basically what we’re trying to do here is make a task, send invoices whatever, and we want to automate this stuff as much as possible. This is going to be your to do list. You want it to always be assigned to you, which it doesn’t do by default. Perhaps it should, but there’s an easy way to automate it. Let’s just say we want to have always just have the default, set it out a week and you can tweak that as much as you like, but that way you just have a due date and if you don’t set a due date, it’s not going to show up on your work list. You need to have a due date. Let’s just say you want to have it do that and then you can put working on it. It’s if you started the project, you can hit done and you want to come down here and then disappear after a week.


Or you want to change it to priority and have it come up here. That you can see what are the biggest priorities you need to have done. You can also have it notify you if it gets past the due date, just so you don’t miss something that’s truly important. Let’s just say that’s what you want to do. First off, we need to add a new color. Well, we don’t need to add a color. We can change it to say priority. So we’re going here change its priority. Change priority comes up here. Simple enough. All right. We’re going to go into automations, which is where Monday tripley Shines custom Automation. The first thing we want to do is we want it to assign us a task and a due date when we make a new task. We create an item, first off, we want it to assign ourselves as the person that gets the task.


We want to set the date today. So it’s sort of strange. You always have to set the date today first and then you can move the date. You’re going to set it to day and then you’re going to move the date, push the date out by seven days. To show you what this looks like. We’re going to make the task it’s going to assign me. It’s going to set the day today and then push it by seven days. So today is 26. So let’s see if that works. An invoice. It’s a little slow sometimes. There it goes. Sign to me and sets out a week. So that’s what we want to do. Easy enough. All right. Next, we want to move it around. If it’s a priority task, we want to move it to a priority list. We’re going to say when the status, which is the column that has the working on it, priority and done.


When it changes to priority, we want to move it to priority. Easy enough. Now we’ll do the same. Let’s just say it’s going to keep the same due date. You can also change it so it sets the due date out another week or however you want to do it. Let’s just say we want to keep the same due date. Say it’s a day away from it being done, move to priority and it will show up as priority in your cash flows. The last one we want to do, we’ll share that real quick invoice. We’re going to change the priority and it’s going to move up there. All right. The final movement we want to have, and I’m going to type it out so you see it first and then I’ll explain how it works, is you want to move to the done list and we want to make it disappear after a week.


We’re going to change it when the status changes again to done. We’re going to move it so very similar to the last one where this is finished. Finally we’re going to set the date due today. I’ll explain why we’re doing that here in a second. All right. We’re going to say when the date arrives, we don’t want to just be the date. We want it seven days after the date. Seven days after the date. This is a conditional phrase only when the status is done, we want it to archive it. There we go. What that’s going to do is let’s do the invoice again. All right. We’re going to move it to done. You can see the date is going to change today. Seven days from now this is going to get archived and we’ll just do it manually because I can’t do my clockboard.


It’s just going to disappear. So that really is the basics. That’s really all you need to have to get going to begin with. One additional thing you could consider adding as a little bonus is if you want to do a notification. Let’s just say when the data arrives very similar to the one we just did, when the data arrives on a priority one status is priority, then notify me or you have to notify somebody else. This is due today. When it’s due, you’ll get a notification, appear in your notification tab saying it’s due. You can set it up through your settings to send you an email as well, if that’s your preference. I totally up to you. I just wanted to give you a quick preview of some of the automations you can do and just to get you started. Because really the joy in this program is being able to move stuff around automatically have automatic dates.


Without the automations. You would get just as much done in an Excel spreadsheet. But we don’t want to use Excel. We want to use Monday. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Let me know if you enjoyed the link. This is less than half the length of my last video. Little simpler topic. I decided this might actually be a better place for you to start. If you have a specific thing you’d like me to cover, let me know. Getting some practical, real world experience with this program, using it within a small eight person organization. And so far so good. I think a lot of people could get some real use out of it as well. Thanks.

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