How to Create an Automation in

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there, Adam here. I wanted to do a real fast video on how to make automations in Monday. If you’re not aware of what an automation is a way to automatically ha, get the name. I do a task within Monday based upon certain prerequisites and conditions you have created within the program. Automations are really the core reason of why you would use a program like this as opposed to just using a piece of paper and a pencil or an Excel spreadsheet or a Word document which you can use. I mean those are perfectly fine for a normal to do list. If you want to do something more complicated where you move stuff up and down the lists, where you can change due dates with a Snooze button so that it’s doing a week so you can click a single button and send an email. That’s why you use a program like this.


Automations are the way that works and automations are totally customizable and really the core functionality of this program. Basically what I’m trying to say is if you’re not using automations, you are missing 95% of the reason to use this application. To start using an automation and start making automations, you’re going to go to the upper right and you’re going to see a button called Automate. Yours is going to have a zero next to it. You’re going to click on Automate and then you’re going to go to you can either click here, add a new automation, or you can go to the Automation Center which is going to have a couple of real basic ones to get you started. If you don’t want to start trying to figure out how to do a more complicated or custom automations. For example, this basic one, if you click on that, what you can actually do is anytime you create a new item, which is a new line of text on your board, you can assign a specific person.


Let’s say you just want to assign it to yourself. This is asking you to click and pick a person anytime it’s got a line underneath the text. That means it’s a field you need to basically fill in because you can have multiple columns of people which again is a little beyond the scope of where we’re at right now. You just have to click on Person and there you go. It’s going to make the person who created the item as the person who the item is assigned to. Which helps if you’re trying to look at your My Work tab because it won’t appear there unless you’re assigned as the person. Now let’s just say you want it. Every item assigned to a board or create on a board is assigned to a specific person, not the person who created it. In that case you do a custom automation and then you click on an item created and then assign.


You’re going to assign again and then you get to pick a person, assign Adam as the person. So rather than the creator, it’s Adam. This will be solicited by your team so that way assigns a specific person to a specific board. The use case for this would be if you had like a to do list for each person on your team and anybody could go onto their board and add a new to do for them to do. Rather than having to click on and I’ll show you rather than having to click on this person icon to pick a person every single time, if it’s on Adam’s to do list board, it’s going to assign Adam to every single one of those items. That’s some of the real basic ones, some of the other easy ones to get your head wrapped around it. If you go to again, this is an automation center.


Statuses is really useful. If you change something to urgent or Stuck is one of my favorite ones where you just can’t get something done, you need somebody to intervene. You can set it so that it will notify and send them a message within the program. If you have your notification set up correctly, it’ll send them an email as well. You can also set it up so that whenever the date, the due date comes or passes, it’ll send a notification to you or to somebody else who’s assigned. That you know that a project is perhaps off course and needs some helping hands. That’s a real basic introduction to automations. It is a way to really get the power out of your computer. Really. Automations are basic programming. I mean, that’s the way to think about it. It’s a variable system. If than logic for the most part.


You can also do numericals formulas, but again, beyond the scope of this video, the more you play with them, the more you like them. If they don’t intrigue you entirely by the time you’ve clicked through that that basic list, I’d be surprised because honestly the possibilities are endless. You can move items to different boards based on specific preconditions, based on date, based on you can make a status column that moves them. You can’t make a status column that notifies a person then moves it. Really, the possibilities are endless. It’s only limited by your imagination. All right, I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions about automations, I have some other videos on how to set up some to do lists, reoccurring tasks, that thing. Some of my more complicated videos you can find in my video section. If you have any specific questions that I haven’t answered, feel free to leave me a comment.


I try to read and respond to all of them. I really enjoy it. I enjoy teaching and this is just another avenue that I’ve been enjoying doing, and it’s something relaxing. I just do my free time. All right? Thanks.

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