How to Integrate with Outlook

Integrations are the lifeblood of project management software. The best software will integrate with all the other tools in your arsenal, to better aid you on spending time working on your business, rather than fighting with your software.

Most businesses still use emails, especially for outgoing communications, and Outlook is one of the biggest tools in the market. Today I’ll show you how to connect with both Outlook Emails, and with Outlook Calendar.

How to Integrate Monday with Outlook Emails

Transcript of the Outlook Emails Video – With Timestamps


Hey there, Adam here. Today I’m going to show you how to integrate your Monday account with Outlook. Specifically this time, we’re going to do Outlook emails. I’ll do another video on Outlook calendar. I’m going to start with a fresh workspace just so you can see how I do it from start to finish. I’m going to create a new board. The integrations are actually on a board by board level. You’re going to have to integrate each time with each board. New board, let’s just call it Outlook email integrations. If I could spill. Sure, it looks right. So this is our default board. You’re going to go up to integrate. So next to automate. Makes sense. You’re going to search for Outlook. You’re going to click on the Outlook button. If it’s the first time, I’m going to add a little clip of how once you click one of these, it’s going to ask you to connect your account.


So I’ll add that little clip here. Okay. Here’s how to actually attach your account. Your Outlook account with Monday. So you can click on Integrate. You’re going to search for Outlook, going to click on Outlook and then pick any of these. It’s not going to matter. Click one. It’s going to ask you to connect your Outlook account. Connect. You do have to have a business account for this. I’m going to blur some stuff out or it automatically has my information. No, it doesn’t. All right, I’m going to pause the video while I pull up my password manager. Put in your password. Permission is required. Set. Wait for the loading screen. It’s lower than expected. All right. Once it goes through, you are now connected. Okay, now that you’ve gotten the connection, now we’re going to click on this is the option. It is a little less robust than the board integrations.


Board integrations. You can do them by scratch for the integration center with Outlook. Okay, so now we’re at back here after we got our actual account connected. That’s just one time per account thing. Now whenever you click on integrations from the board, it’ll work out each time. You have less options here than say, like the automations, where if you go to automation, you can create them Customly from scratch. From scratch. Not the case with integrations. Integrations are narrow. That’s okay, though. Narrow is okay. Narrow works. The big one is my favorite personally is this one. When a new item is created, I sent an email to somebody so you can choose your account. This is the one that I already attached earlier on. So we’re going to select Adam. When it says send an email, you can say what type of email is. Let’s just say new item on Outlook board.


And then this is the auto population. This is where the magic works. This is your different categories that were on your board. I’ll show you again in a second. It’s just the default one. In this case you can actually just do this way. New item on board name instead and then let’s just say whatever the item name may be. Item name was created on today’s date and then who do I want to email? Well, get a couple of options here. You can create a custom column or in this case I just want to email myself, email me, add the board. Now you can see up here you got board integrations with Outlook. Let’s create a new item and let’s just say that’s being for the video create and we’ll give it a second. While we’re waiting on that to send, let’s go back up to integrations and go back to Outlook.


I heard a ping, it’s coming through on my cell phone at least. So there we go. Now you’re going to see testing for YouTube video. This one test for YouTube created on whoops. Now you’ll see the error that I made here. I did not have an automation for the date. So let’s try it again. Do it correctly this time. Testing for YouTube again, date of well now you’re going to see again, we’re going to have the same issue. It’s going to send, it’s not going to have a date. To do this correctly you’d have to set up an automation to have an automatic date or you can just modify this to not have a date at all. You’ve got what you want. Now this is as flexible as you’d like it to be. Of course I think this is probably the easiest way to do it, but one of the more robust methods is if you want to go in and set it based on due dates.


For example, if the status, this is also a good one every time period, let’s just say once a weekly, Monday at 08:00 A.m.. If status is not done, you have it send an email for each item on this board. Let’s just say this is like your critical board, your hop on it. These are our target items need to get done. They may not have a specific due date, but it’s your organizational wide major goals. You can say major goals still not completed, item name and then type out your email, whatever you want it to be, have it sent to yourself, have it sent to anybody else in the organization. The person icon is again whoever is assigned to the item. It’s really flexible so it’s a little hard to get down into the weeds. I can make a separate video on very useful ones, but just how to connect it just as easy as that.


Again, the big ticket items are column changes, status changes, when something new is created and the time period ones are pretty neat too. If it’s still on the board and you want to have an email sent to somebody, let’s just say for example, in my business we have clients that need to fill out documentation. Let’s just say we have a questionnaire, we sent it to them, we want it to be done before we can progress further with their case, but they still haven’t done it. We can have a time period to send an automatic email to the client and say, hey, still waiting on this questionnaire, please send it to us when you have a chance. Once they send it to us, you check off the item off the board, they quickly in these automatic reminders. There’s other software like HubSpot and other CRMs that are more robust or at least easier to use.


I think one of the best things about Monday is that it can just do everything. It can do it all. If you want to sit down and play with these automations and integrations, there is a way to figure out how to do it, even if it’s not the easiest way in the world. The other one that is a little more challenging is when an email is received. I think a lot of people will be interested in this one, not as user friendly, you have to filter the emails. The way that this works is you have to add a condition, meaning subject. The easiest way to do this is to email yourself and have a value. This is probably the way I would suggest it. You can do basically anytime the subject of an email sent to this email address has the bracket, Monday bracket in it.


It will basically fall into this group. An email is received, create an item in whichever group it is. So let’s just say add the board. I’m going to email myself and show you how that works. We pulled over the other screen, email myself and then you do it like this bracket one day here’s, email add, and then we’ll give it a second to figure out what’s going on. That is a very useful one if you can get used to it. And there you go. It made the subject line with this. You could actually do some pretty fascinating stuff with this particular one by going through and connecting. You could actually, let’s just say you wanted to have it go to specific boards instead of just this one primary board. I’m propagating additional emails based upon emails landing based upon the items being created. Perhaps not the most email polite way to do that, but you can do a lot with this.


You could have conditions different conditions for different groups, different conditions for different boards. There’s lots of fun stuff you can do there. Hopefully this gave you an overview on what you can do with email integration. I will do another video on the Gmail calendar or the Outlook calendar integration, but for today, I think that is enough. I hope this was useful, and thanks very much.

How to Integrate Monday with Outlook Calendar

Transcript of the Outlook Calendar Video – With Timestamps


Hey there, Adam here. today I’m going to show you how to integrate Monday with the Outlook Calendar functionality. My previous video was on Outlook emails. This one’s going to be an Outlook Calendar, and perhaps this one is even more useful than the email integrations, if you ask me. I’m going to create again, I always do this from scratch so you can see what I’m doing. I’m going to create a new board from scratch. Just call it Outlook Calendar. Create board. The first thing we’re going to do, I’m going to rename these just so I can show you. It’s going to make more sense in the second. This is going to be created on an Outlook, and this one’s going to be created in Monday. All right? So first you can go on integrations. You’re going to type in Outlook, and in the search bar, click on Outlook Calendar this time as opposed to Outlook.


I will post a little video on how that integration works. I’ve already done it before, so once you follow that little video, come back to me here, okay? Here’s how to actually attach your account, your Outlook account with Monday. So you’re going to click on Integrate. You’re going to search for Outlook, going to click on Outlook and then pick any of these. It’s not going to matter. Click one that’s going to ask you to connect your Outlook account. Connect you do have to have a business account for this. I’m going to blur some stuff out, or it automatically has my information. No, it doesn’t. All right, I’m going to pause the video while I pull up my password manager. Put in your password. Permissions required. Set. Wait for the loading screen. It’s lower than expected. All right. Once it goes through, you are now connected.


Okay, so now we are back here after connecting our accounts. You can see there’s three different items. I personally like the first one and the third one. There are basically two ways you can create things to sync with your Outlook Calendar. You can do it by creating an item on Monday, or you can do it by creating an item on your calendar. Let’s start with the one that I think is more useful. That’s going to be creating an item in Monday and then having it appear on your calendar. We’re going to click on that first option. Click on your account. This is when an item is created, updated, create an event. This event is going to be the thing that appears in your actual calendar, which I will show you in a second. The start time is going to be the date column on your board, and you’re not going to pick an end time.


You can do a start and end time with two different date columns if you want to. Totally unnecessary. Now we’re going to make the subject the name of the item on your board, and then I’m just going to leave the body blank. I’m just going to be showing you how to do this for a basic deadline. Basically what you’re going to be wanting to do here is create an item on your board. That item on your board is a deadline, and you want it to show up on your Outlook calendar. Let’s just say, for example, you’re one of those people that tracks everything on their calendar. I do a lot of that. I am now going to create an item on Monday and have it appear on my board. Let me delete these so that we don’t get confused. I’m going to use the week of April 11 because it doesn’t have any client information on there, so I can safely click on that week on my calendar.


This is going to be an important deadline that is due. That’s the name of the item you’re going to see. You have this Outlook calendar. It’s going to be creating the item on your calendar. Now let’s pick the date it’s due. Again, I’m going to pick April 11, just because it’s nice and clean. I’m just going to say it’s due anytime on April 12. You heard that little Outlook reminder. All right, there it is. All right, so now it’s appearing on the 12th. Let’s say you actually wanted let’s just say, okay, I not doing the 12th anymore. It’s actually we want to get it to the boss one day earlier. You click on the 11th, and you give it a minute. It will move on the calendar here in a second. So there it is. Now it’s on the 11th. So that really is that easy.


You can have it set to a specific time if you want to. Let’s say you want to do at 09:00 A.m.. You can change this set up to 09:00 A.m., and it will appear at 09:00 A.m.. Okay. And it should be a half hour. There it is. Okay, so that’s how you create items in Monday. I think this is the more useful of the two methods, but you can do it the other way around as well. Let’s say you have a big list of items that you just want to get onto your Outlook calendar. Let’s delete these three again, make it nice and clean, and then we’re going to set up another integration. Again, Outlook. This time we’re going to have when an item is created on the calendar, we’re going to create a new item. So this is the opposite way around. Let’s say you’re on your calendar filling out deadlines, but you want it to also appear on Monday so you can track it in both places.


Click on your email account, create your item. The Item Update is going to be or I don’t usually use item update. I use the name. The name is going to be the subject of the calendar invite leave status blank and then date will be I usually pick the start time of the event and it leaves the person blank. You can settle that once it pops up. This is going to pop up in my Created in Outlook group as opposed to my Created in Monday group. We’re going to hit add the board. So now it’s going to appear here. Let me show you how that works. We’re going to create let me drag over by box another deadline created in Outlook and then we’re going to start it at 09:00 A.m.. Actually, let’s start at ten. It’s a little different than the one we’ll start at ten.


So now give it a second. And there it is. I think this is one of the easier integrations to get a hold of to get a handle on because there’s only three options. The other option is to have it set as a certain person that will appear on your calendar as opposed to all. This is a really easy way to manage your deadlines because you can do it off of Monday, you can do it off of Outlook, you can do it off of both. It’ll appear here, it’s sortable you can make comments, you can do anything else you want to do with it in here and you can of course integrate it with all your other additional automations. You can set it up so that you get I showed you how to the emails before. You can have it so that you have a due date.


If you want to have an email sent to you 24 hours before it’s due, you can do that. That’s really the joy of Monday is you can combine all these different systems together. I’m showing you how to do each piece individually because that’s the only way to make YouTube videos about it. It’d be really hard for me to show you every possibility in a complete board, although at some point I would like to just create master boards and share them. That is on my list of things to do. I’m going to start putting out more Monday videos because I use this software a lot. It’s a fantastic piece of software. I hope this was useful. Let me know if you have any questions. I think that this one is one of the more easy ones to grasp. It’s just not that many options. Of course you can tweak all those different boxes.


You can add more columns to add more information. I personally think just having the name of the deadline on the board is good enough because then you can always just start conversations and add files and do what you need to do here. I don’t really think it requires much more additional automation in the creation process says but that’s obviously personal preference. All right, thanks. Bye.

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