How to Resize Images in Obsidian

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey, good evening, Adam here. I want to do a quick video on how to resize images inside of Obsidian. I saw a couple videos, but they were all much longer and went into a lot more detail. I just wanted to do real quick video on how to resize images using two different examples. One of a image that is saved inside of your Obsidian folder, and one where you’re pulling an image off the internet and you don’t want to save it locally. Let’s do the first example and show you how to do it if it’s saved on your computer inside your setting folder. Let’s just pull I’m going to pull one of these business cards I have saved. So exclamation mark. That’s the file name. Okay, there it is, full size. All you’re going to do to change the image size is go inside the brackets, space, solid line.


I honestly can’t remember what this called line. This is going to be the width of how many pixels it is wide. So let’s do 200. That’s 200 wide. That’s a little too small. Let’s do 750. Okay, that’s okay. Or 100. So there you go, that’s easy enough. That is for images that are saved directly inside of your Obsidian folder. Now let’s do images for stuff you want to pull off the Internet. I’m going to grab, just going to copy and paste a book that I’m going to read here shortly. So I’m going to copy the image. It is this book picture. I’m just going to copy the image address and then exclamation mark. Bracket emiss is the name of the book. You’re going to do a apprentices. That is my copy pasted image URL from the Internet. And that’s the normal size. Instead of putting this one at the end of your length, you’re actually going to put it inside the brackets.


So bracket 100. You’ll see, 100, same size, easy enough. 200 and 5500. Okay, so, yes, there you go. I want to make this nice, short and sweet. Hopefully this answers all your questions. There’s obviously more advanced things, but this is just to simply resize your images inside of Obsidian. Thanks, bye.

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