How to Send Automated Email Attachments in

Yes, can send automated emails, with the help of a few automations and text columns. Please watch the video above for a guide on how to set up this functionality.

Transcript with Timestamps


Good afternoon. Adam here. I had a request and a comment to do a video on how to attach files to an email. I had a video on how to do these automated emails and I thought I would show two different ways that you can send files in your email attachment or files as an email attachment. Essentially, although it’s not technically an email attachment hash, but you’ll see what I mean here in a second. I am going to use the same board that I was using for my original how to send automated emails video. I will link to that to show you how I reach this point. You can watch that video if you want to have an idea to how to get to this escalating automated email follow up list. Without going back through all this, essentially the goal is you make a request, you can have a follow up, initial follow ups, and eventually if for whatever reason you can’t get your invoices paid or the job done, whenever it may be, you can escalate it to another person generally.


So, for example, this might be someone in your low level sales department or paralegal or a legal assistant or receptionist or whoever to send out invoices. If people don’t pay it after a while, then you escalate to the lawyer, who then may reach out directly. Let’s just say you want this escalation to be by email, and in this case, you want to have the invoice attached to the email that you send to the person who’s going to handle the escalated request. So let’s just do another. I already use Bob and John Joe. All right, so let’s just say we have an invoice to Joe and now you need to set it up so you can attach files. You’re going to click on the plus button, you’re going to click on Files, and now you’re going to have this nice little files column and then you’re going to attach your file.


I’ve been playing around with that AI picture thing. I’m just going to attach this picture of a clownfish testifying at a court trial, which I like this expression. I will click and drag it from my file explorer into files. For the sake argument, let’s just say that was your invoice. It’s going to say, Joe owes me $4,000 and then there it is. Now you have to create an automation that will attach the file whenever it’s escalated. I’m going to turn these two off because we’re going to do it add to it, but I want to leave them attached to this account. The status being the status bar of follow up, second followup escalate changes to escalate, then you’re going to send an email and I’m going to use my Gmail account. Here’s where it is escalated. I can never call escalated I don’t know why.


Then we’re going to say item name. It pulls the item name out of the item name category, which is the first thing is overdue. Please see attached. You’re just going to click the files button. The files button was not there until you added the files category. That may be where people get a little hung up. It’s going to attach the files. And then finally, who wants it? In this case, I want it to go to me. We’re going to create the automation and I will escalate this and give it a second. Once I hear my computer ding, I will pause for a second because I got to open up my email box and I can’t show you the other emails that are in there. So there goes I hear a ding. Give me 1 second and I’ll show you what it looks like. All right, here’s the email escalated follow up from my Gmail account to myself, my work email.


And it says invoice Joe is overdue. Please see attached. And then there’s the file. So it’s not technically attached. It’s technically still on the Monday server. You just click it downloads it and there you go. So that’s one way to do it. I will show you another easier way to do it that I have since discovered how to do these emails, which is now the way we do emails in our system. Give me a second, I’ll swap back to Monday. Okay, so this way with the escalation, it requires you to attach a Gmail account. It’s just not the cleanest way to do it because you’re using a separate email account, unless you’re already using your Gmail account for everything, in which case it works fine. Let’s just say, like me, you have an internal email account that you don’t want to connect to Monday for whatever reason.


I have some security concerns with attaching my work email to go all the way, everything through Monday. So I don’t want to do that. Let’s just do it another way, which this way only works if the people that you are sending the notification to are a member of your team on Monday. If they’re not a member of your team on Monday, this will not work. If they’re a member, this works even easier. We’re going to do the same thing. We’re going to do status again and change to escalate. Instead of saying an email, we’re just going to notify. So we’re going to notify. And then same thing. This item, the invoice is overdue, needs to be attached. You attach the files that are attached to this item and then notify. This time I’m just going to select me. It’s going to pull off of everybody that can see the board.


For right now, this is the private board, but you can either have the person assigned to the item, so you can notify the person that’s assigned to it, but generally speaking, the person assigned to get it done is going to be the person requesting that somebody else steps in to help. You’re going to want to notify a team member. This is a private board, so the only person I can see is me. Normally this would show your full list of people that are members of your board. You’re going to click on the member you want to notify, and then you’re going to create automation. So this is even easier. So I will show this in action. Let me move this back up here. It’s got the file attached and I’m going to just escalate. And there it goes. I almost forgot the most important part of this.


If you want to do it this way, you need to go into your account. You need to go into my profile. For whoever wants to receive these notifications by email, you get a notify and then you go into your email notification settings and you need to check there. We are notifies by automation. Pretty much everyone else on our team only has this one checked. I have mall checked because I don’t care about having to delete like 40 emails. Doesn’t really bother me. This way you’re only going to get an email, whatever specifically sent as a notification and I will show you what that looks like now in my work email box. All right, for some reason the picture is not downloading, but that’s okay. Now it says invoice is overdue, please see attached. It’s just coming from notifications to my work email. It is not going through my Gmail.


There it is. There’s the file. Click on the file. Same thing. It’s going to download. And there you go. That way is much cleaner than doing it through a Gmail account. So that’s totally up to you. Whether or not if you need to go to somebody outside the organization, then you’re going to need to do it through attack it to an email either through Outlook or Gmail. I think you can do zapier will allow you to do a couple of other choices as well. Or you need to do it the way or it’s all internal. Do it the way I did it. It’s cleaner, simpler, get the job done. You can just basically whitelist the If you have two notification settings set up correctly, you’re only going to get emails from Monday when you actually need to escalate something. So that would be my recommendation.


That’s sort of how you do it. Hopefully this answers the question that was presented to me. If not, feel free to let me know. If you have other questions, other things you want me to do a video on, let me know. That is there’s about a six month gap between this video and the last ones. I was curious to see if anybody was going to be interested in watching them and definitely enough people watching them that I think I’ll start making some more. There’s a couple of other questions on some of the other videos. At least I have some recollection of some questions. I’m going to start making some more videos because it’s fun. I enjoy showing it and I have been using this program every day since the last time I made these videos. So, needless to say, I find this program to be extremely helpful.


I still have a long way to go to get our team using it the way I’d like to use it. Right now we’re still mostly using it as an ad hoc to do list and doing a couple of other things with some requests for documents from outside vendors, medical records, that thing, which has been really helpful. I would like to get to a place where we actually use it for our workflow and processes, but not quite there yet. So still working on that. That’s where we’re at this point. I’ve been using it long enough to give people good ideas to best use cases that I’ve found. I’ll tell you, there’s a million different ways to set things up. A lot of it is just going to come down to personal preferences. This is the way I found to do it. You can have a lot more.


I try to limit the number of rows because I think it gets pretty bulky when you get a bunch of rows going. The fewer the rows I can get, the better. I prefer to have the context of stuff added as conversations or notes. I don’t like to have a whole lot of information left or right in the main screen because I just think it becomes a little overwhelming if you have too much going on. So that’s just my personal preference. Everyone is going to I have their own personal preferences for this thing, which is what makes this program so helpful and so useful because it’s so flexible. All right, thanks for watching. Bye.

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