How to Send Automated Emails in

Transcript with Timestamps


Good evening, Adam here. I wanted to do a quick video to show you how to send automated emails through Monday. This will just be a real quick tutorial. It’s pretty simple. You just have to use a couple of different automations to do it and let’s just jump right in. I’m going to use my board I used in the previous tutorial. The basic purpose of this board is to you send invoices or other requests as an initial request and then follow up down the list. Once it’s done it goes down into this complete column. In particular I’m going to show you how to automate two different ways in a board like this. The first one is in the escalate column. This will be used for a team where you have one person making the request and doing the follow up. Another person, perhaps the boss, perhaps just someone who has a certain voice.


I don’t know that you can escalate the task up to if the third party vendor just won’t give you what you need and you just need to get somebody else involved to help get the job done. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it just requires a second person to step in and just be the bad cop to the good cop. Basically I’m going to show you to set up an automation to send an email to the bad cop whenever something’s moved into the escalate column. I’m also going to do another automation that sends an email whenever a due date is reached. So you have the date column. Right now it says that it’ll be 14 days after the current date and 30 days in the fall column. This will automatically send an email to you when the due date is reached or you can have it set to be send an email the day after the due date is reached, whatever you want to do.


Let me show you how to do those two automations. Turning now to the automation, you’re going to create a custom automation and let’s do the status one first of the stuck. You’re going to go to when the status changes and you’re going to set for the status to escalate. You’re going to do this, you’re going to send an email. For the purposes of this, the easiest way to do it is to a Gmail account and honestly just set up a Gmail account of some sort. You can literally just call it your name Monday at Gmail, whatever you want to call it. It’s just going to be a lot easier to do it through Gmail than to do it any other way. You can do a Zapier integration where you basically use another third party application and you can integrate it. If you have an Outlook business, Microsoft 365 business account, you can also integrate it that way.


Topic for a different video though so if you need help getting your email account integrated, that’ll be a different video. You’re going to associate your account and then for your subject it can just be Monday or escalated and then item name is just the name of whichever invoice or third party follow up with stuck is stuck help. You’re going to set the email and I’m going to set it to me. You signed up for a Monday account, you had an email for that. You’re going to send an email to your primary email account. I’m going to create that and then I’m going to do a test email invoice and change it to Stuck escalate, same thing. First off you’re going to see that it creates a note in the conversation. Here you’re going to see that there was an automation that sent the email to this email account.


I’m going to show you what that looks like in just 1 second. So here’s what that email looks like. I’m stuck test email invoice, won’t pay his invoice and it’s just going to have a notification. I have pictures turned off, we’ll free with the pictures on. You can click on the link and go back and it’ll take you to that task. The second automated email example I wanted to show you is one where you let’s do it the day after the due date. We’re going to add an automation that you get an email whenever something is overdue. This one is slightly more complicated because you’re going to have to add an additional conditional statement. You’re going to say when the date is going to say. It says when the date arrives, you’re going to do one day after and don’t set it for 09:00 A.m..


Sometimes they don’t work at 09:00 A.m.. Let’s just say 08:00 A.m.. The day after the date, which is the due date arrives. One day late, but only if it is not done. You’ll notice that there’s stuff that’s done on the list, the date will go by and that’s fine, the task is done. You don’t want to get emails for every task that’s been completed. You’re going to see only if the status is not done, then you’re going to, and this is just the same thing, send an email overdue, follow up name is ever due and then I’ll email it to myself and this one will send only the day after if the status is not done. If the status is not done, you’ll send me an email and obviously I can’t show you what that’s going to look like, but it’ll look basically the same exact way.


These emails are automated. Once you do the automations and set them up correctly. There are ways to send emails once a day. You can create a new task and a new board and have it send you an email every time it’s created or have it sent it to somebody else. Quite frankly, it’s an infinite number of possibilities. I just wanted to show you that it can be done. Really, the limitations are basically your imagination. That’s what fun about these automations. You can do more things than you can even imagine to do that you can even come up with. So that’s all I have for today. I hope this is helpful. Thanks.

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