How to Set a Due Date in

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there Adam here today. I’m going to do a real quick video on how to set a due date in Monday. I’m going to start this in my training grounds, which is just a little workspace I set up to do these videos. We’re going to start by adding a new board and we’re just going to do a nice fresh board with absolutely nothing on it. That way you get the real true experience of a new board with no automation. The default Monday screen is going to have your item titles which you can change to anything if you use this for a to do listing to say first task. You can rename the groups as necessary to whatever you want to call it to do and let’s just say urgent. The basic screen is going to have a couple of different things on it. It’s going to have your name, your items, it’s going to have the person that’s assigned to it’s going to have the status whether or not you’re done with it.


Finally it’s going to have the Date column. The Date column is the one that you’re going to want to modify to set a new date. Let me just start fresh with fresh items to show you what it looks like. If you were to create a new item, I really need to get this done. By default it’s not going to assign a date. There’s the manual way, then there’s the automatic way. I’ll show you how to do both. The manual way to set a due date is just to click on the date column and then it’s going to highlight what date it is today. Let’s just say I want to do it within a week. I’ll click on the 20th and there you got a due date. That’s the manual way to do it. Let’s just say you’re going to make a bunch of items all at the same time and you really don’t want to have to go in and click one week on each one of these.


If you’re going to generally put it one week out, you can do it in an automatic way using automations. What you’re going to do is you’re going to create a custom automation and then when you create an item that’s whenever I was typing in the 1234 that test. Anytime you create an item then you’re going to and this is the unintuitive part which trips up people quite a bit. If you type in Date, you can’t just push the date a week and you can’t just set the date. If you were to click on set date, the only option is going to be set today. You actually have to do two different steps. You always need to set the date today. Whenever you want to calculate a new date, you set the date today and then you can actually just do another step date. And then push means move it outward.


Again you’re going to click select your Date column. For this one you’re going to do seven days if you want to do one week. Or you could actually just do one week either way and then you’re going to create the automation. And there you go. Now whenever I let’s go to automation, whenever I type automation, rather than having to type in the date, you see it automatically filled in for you. One other thing to keep in mind is if you want these to do lists to show up on your My Work tab, you need to set yourself as the person. You can do this manually or in a similar fashion to what I just showed on the automations. You can actually make it so that when you create an item, you automatically assign yourself. I’m going to assign myself itself as the person. Now watch what happens when I double automation.


You’re going to see that it’s going to set me, it’s going to push the date out a week and it’s going to set me as the person. So there you go. That’s all there is to it. To how to set a due date or deadline. Date on Monday. Thanks.

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