How to Set up Recurring Tasks on

Transcript with Time Stamps

Good evening. Adam here with a very quick tutorial for Monday on how to do reoccurring tasks. It’s a point that a lot of people have that reoccurring tasks are not directly built into the software. You have to do a workaround with an automation to get it to work. Very frustrating but it’s a key feature that a lot of people use. Let’s just say for example, I have a dog who needs heartwarm medicine once a month and I want to remember to give my dog her pills. When I said it to done, I did it. I wanted to reset for 30 days later. It’s not directly built into the software from just like a real easy way to do it. We have to set up an automation with a custom little group to make it work. I’m going to show you how to do that because I’ve seen a lot of questions on it.


We’re in my little tutorials board and I’m going to make a new board just to start from scratch. It only takes one automation. I’ll show you how to do it. Returning tasks, we have our default board. I’m just going to delete this. This is our to do list and we’ll figure it all out from scratch. Okay. The first thing you’re going to have to do, and this is where a lot of people get lost and confused, is we have a status column which is your usual working on it, stuck and done. This is where you’re going to say you’re done with the task. You want this to reset back to working on it. You want to push the date by 30 days. To do that you’re going to have to create a new column. So this is where the magic happens. You need to create a second status column and we’re going to rename this reoccurring question mark.


Yes, it stays on the screen the whole time. Very annoying. You can collapse it. It’s not quite as annoying but yeah, it’s going to be here. What you’re going to do is you’re going to edit this. Let’s just say we want monthly, once a month. We’re going to have one monthly reoccurring. All right. Now you have your board set up to allow you to set up your correct automation. Now we’re going to go into automation and we’re going to create a custom automation. And here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to say when the status changes to something. Now usually you just see one column. That’s a lot of questions you see are like why do you always have to click status. This is why. Because you have multiple status columns. We’re going to choose our normal status column. We want to change this to done.


You’re done with the task and here is where the tricky part comes in. You’re going to modify this so that the rest of the automation only plays if it meets a specific condition. This condition is if the reoccurring, the second status bar is monthly. Now you’re saying that if the status changes are done and if the reoccurring bar you check the monthly box, then what you’re going to want to do is you can set the date today, since you always have to reset the date. You’re going to push the date by 30 days. Or actually you can push it by a month. One month. One month. Finally you can change the status back to not done. So status back to working on it. This is it. This is the whole thing. I’m going to show you how to works. So we’re going to create this automation.


There it is. Let’s create a new using my example. Give her medicine. She said Neos to do it today and it’s me. We’re going to change the reoccurring the monthly. Like I said, that’s the magic reoccurring monthly. All right, so today is the 26th. I’ve done it. I gave her medicine. Now you see that the date has changed, december 26. Come back to working on it and you are good to go. It’ll show up, back up on your calendar or in your work column with the new due date of December 26. That is all you need to know to do a recurring task. Of course, there’s a lot of other tricks. You can move them onto different columns, you can send emails, but that is the real basic way. Of course, if you got everything recurring separate way you want it, you can collapse it down.


And it’s not quite as annoying. It’s just a little tiny button, no big deal. All right, if you found this helpful, let me know. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments. Thanks.

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