How to use Templater in Obsidian

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there Adam. Here tonight I wanted to talk about Templater, which is essentially just a more complicated and powerful version of the built in templates tool. I believe I talked briefly in my last video, which was about one click templates. I mentioned that I had switched to templater, so I realized perhaps I should do a quick video. If you look in the description below, you’re going to see some examples that I’m using here. You don’t need to try to read it off on the screen. I will include a paste bin with my examples that I use today if you want to use them and get started with templater as well. Templater allows you a little more flexibility and a little more power than the built in templates function. Also, I was using it for the Quick add on as well because Quick ad works with this better than the built in templates tool does.


Here’s the format, essentially, just in case anybody doesn’t know to download it. You’re going to go into settings, you’re going to go into community plugins, you’re going to browse, and then you just type in templater and click it, install it and you’re good to go. As far as settings go, the only thing you’re going to need to do to make it work is you have to choose your templates folder location, which is my templates folder, which you can see over here on the left. Otherwise the other settings can just stay the same. Instead of, if you recall from the first tutorial for templates, you would do the double brackets and then you would just do date. That’s how you would do essentially the auto fill functionality off of the original templater built in functionality for Templar. You’ll see up above it’s this. Percent sign. To close it, you’re going to do a percent sign again and then the greater than symbol.


Whatever you type in the middle is going to be the syntax. It always starts with TP for templater and then a period, and then you can see all your different options. There’s some decent documentation that I will provide a link to as well in the description below. I just wanted to show you how these three I use it for my daily notes. I use it for, well, for my daily notes. I use it for the fleeting one, which is this, and then the real one, which I have spent some fun time. Tweaking is for my literature template, which is for books, podcasts, any other type of literature that I want to write my thoughts down. You can tell that this is something I’m pretty interested in doing. I’m trying to stay more on top of keeping track of things I watch and consume so that it’s more mindful, less wasted time.


To the extent that time can be wasted, I suppose. This is the one where you can really see templater shine. Let me just make an example for you. I’ll do first the fleeting one, just to show the real basic one. You’re going to see that this is saying Date. Now, it’s going to pull Today’s Date as we sit here now. To do that so I have quick add. Normally you’d have to go and open up the command prompt. Or you can do Control P and then templater. Well, I guess you need a new document if you do it this way. New fleeting. You would just do Command P templater and insert template. You hit fleeting and there you go. Since I am using Quick Ad, I can just do which is my last video, I will provide a link to that at the end of the video.


I’m just going to do control alt F, which is my hotkey. And then second new leading. And then there you go, auto filled. And I can just start typing. The really fun one, I would say, and I’ll show you what I’m going to be doing with this is for my literature, which you notice is a little more involved. It is using data view, it’s using Quick ads and it’s using templater. To do this, I am going to do my Hotkey for Literature, which is Control Alt L. Let’s just say what book have I been reading recently? Let’s do Red Rising, which is a fantasy book. So that’s the name of the book. Let me hit okay, you’re going to notice that it’s already filled a couple of things for me. It filled today’s date. It put the title of the book right here. It’s correctly named the document.


And then the author is Pierce Brown. And then I really enjoyed this book. Kind of like Hunger Games, but better. Tags, let’s just say science fiction. Fancy. It’s really more science fiction. Science fiction, I don’t know. Hunger Games. Whatever. Now you’ve got your I can reference, I can include a link to the book if I want to. This is a central section for typing. You see how fast that came together. Now, what this is used for is this is used in the Data View, which again, this perhaps goes beyond the scope of this video. I just want to show you why I’ve set up the way I have so that if this interests you can do the same. And the options are sort of limitless. I realize that I’m actually missing something here. Tag. I have to fix that. All right. This is going to tag it with the literature tag.


You can do it the same way. Just with tag literature. This is just cleaner. I think it puts it all in the same place. Now I’m going to go to my mocks and I’m going to my literature mocks, and you’re going to see right here it is, red rising. It’s got the name of the author. I just think it’s really clean, it looks nice, and you can see that I’m building it out slowly. I’m starting to see more of a structure with what I want to use this for. I was originally doing this brackets because I thought that would be a way to organize my literature and my books, but actually I can just tag it. Here’s what the data view on this looks like, if you’re curious. It’s pulling the author tag or the author thing from the Data view and then from it’s only pulling the stuff with the literature tag.


Otherwise you’d pull literally every single document from the vault. So hopefully that was helpful. I’m trying to keep these videos short and sweet. Seven minutes is already on the longer side for me. I think that a lot of these guys that do the obscene videos and women, I guess, have a tendency to ramble on a bit too long. I will provide the links to all three of these templates, I guess really just the two. I’ll just give you the fleeting in the literature because those are the only ones that use anything new. The Daily Note is just a quote, a stoicism quote that I like. I will provide paste bins for these two, provide a link to previous video on the Quick ads so you can see how I did that. Data View, there are a number of good guides, and if people ask for it, I’ll put together a short guide as well.


There are a number of very good YouTube channels that have done more extensive guides into Data View, and I don’t really need the retread ground that’s already been covered quite well. All right, I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Three Templates to get you start with Templater

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