How to use the Quick Add Plugin for Obsidian

Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there, Adam here. Today I want to introduce you to the Quick Add plugin. I want to preface this by saying that if you get 30 seconds in this video and decide that looks like too much is going on, move on with your life. This is totally unnecessary. It just saves you a couple clicks every time you want to use a template or something. This is more for those that enjoy playing with these tools. Totally unnecessary for your enjoyment of Obsidian, though. Now that I’ve talked to you out of watching my video, let me explain what it does. It can allow you to skip a couple of steps when it comes to making new pages or macros or inserting information into other notes. Today I just want to show you how to use this with templates. If you wanted to make a template without using Quick Ad, you would open it, make a new page, let’s call it New Fleeting Note, and then you would go into command by either clicking on that or hitting CTRL P.


You would either use Templates or I’m using Template now. You’d open it fleeting, and there you go. You can bind each one of these Templator Plugins template or templates if you want to. You would just do Control New, and then you do your Hotkey, and there you go. So that is two steps. This is going to cut it down to one. First you’re going to go into Community Plugins Browse, and you will install Quick Ad. I’ve already installed it, and here’s the three I have set up. Essentially what you’re going to do is this is going to allow you to create a new Note and insert the template at the same time. So not terribly complicated. Let me just make one for you using my Fleeting Note. I’ll just delete this and start new. We’re going to create Fleeting, and you’re going to make sure it’s selected under template.


I’m not going to cover a capture or a macro for today. It is going to be too long. I might do that later. You’re going to add a choice. You’re going to go into the options, and you’re going to choose your template for Fleeting, and then you’re going to leave this unchecked, because this will allow you to create the name at the time of the file creation. I leave this unchecked because I want it to be in my main folder, and then I want to open it once it’s done. And that’s it. It’s really that simple. And I’m going to check this. I’ll show you why. You’ll see it in a second. That’s just going to make this Fleeting Note. So that’s my fleeting note template. I’m using template now, which is why it’s using this format as opposed to the old date format. Okay, so now if you want to use the Quick Ad, you’re going to do Control P again.


Open up the control panel and then Quick Add. It’s showing up here because I clicked that little lightning bolt. Let’s just say you didn’t do that. You hit run Quick Add Fleeting, and it’s going to ask you what you’re going to call it. There you go. To make this even easier, because that’s the whole point of this is to make it as fast and as easy as possible. Go into Settings, go to your Hotkeys, go to Quick Add, and then you’re going to see since you click the lighting bolt, it’s going to show up here, and then you’re going to set a hotkey for it. I’m going to do control alt f for fleeting. You see, I have daily as d liter is l. Now, let’s just say I’m typing here. I have a random new thought about a new thought that needs a fleeting note.


I’m going to do control. Alt f random thought. And then here you go. And then type away. Let’s just say I get distracted from being productive and I watch a YouTube channel. What YouTube video control F l. Well, it would help if I set that up correctly. Let’s just do daily note. That’s going to create the Daily Note here. So that was control alt D. You see, I actually have the date. I’ll show you what that looks like just so you can make your own Edification. I suppose you can tell that as you add more community plugins, it’s going to make things more complicated. Convoluted, all of these things are completely and totally unnecessary if you’re willing to just do five to ten more keystrokes. I have of programming backgrounds. I enjoy these things. And here’s how you do that. I actually set the file format for the Daily Note, and then it’s just got the old template format, and it’s going to pull and set the date.


If there’s already one created, it will just open that one instead. Okay, after a small detour, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Here’s the actual if I want to run the Quick Ad for my literature. Now, it works. You see, it’s got my day date references. This is just for my template. So I hope this was helpful. Again, we’re getting pretty deep in the weeds. This really only saves you two or three clicks. If you want to do that, it’s cool. There are some more advanced functions within this Quick Add plugin that are beyond the scope of this video that I may get into at some point if people are interested, I hope this was interesting. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks, bye.

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