What are Daily Notes in Obsidian?

Transcript with Timestamps

Hey there. Good evening, Adam here. today I wanted to talk about probably my favorite feature, which is really not a complicated feature in slightest, is the Obsidian Notes Daily Notes feature. I essentially what it is it’s just a note that’s going to have today’s date on it and write whatever you want in there. I mean, it really is that simple. Obsidian has made it even easier because they built it into their base program and they put it on the side. You’ll see on the left hand side, there’s an Open Today’s Daily Note. I have not done one yet today. If I click on it here’s, my Daily Notes, you see it’s in year month day format, which keeps it nice and organized inside your Daily Notes folder. Let’s just say I’m making a video right now, all right, so I can work on other stuff.


Let’s just say I can’t remember if I started a Daily Notes today. I can hit open the daily notes. It won’t create a new one. It’ll actually just pull Open today’s. I’d say my favorite thing about the Daily Note is just been my recent organizational style. I’ve been reading some books and things on stoicism, and I just trying to get a return back to a more peaceful, less excuse me, a more peaceful, less chaotic lifestyle, social media and everything else. I just think that Obsidian draws a certain type of personality. It’s simple. I mean, you basically have text files. You can attach stuff to it, but it’s mostly just links and text files and on a nice big old open canvas. I do think that Obsidian probably attracts a certain type of person like me that is looking for a bit more simplicity, less bells and whistles.


If that’s you, I consider trying to do a daily journal because I think that you’ll find that it can really help you. Let’s just say I was thinking a lot today about YouTube. I can write, I really want to work, I want to work on YouTube today, or I did work on YouTube today. As you do this, you’re going to add these links, and then when you go into your graph mode, you’re going to see more and more things pointing towards the topics that you think about on a daily basis. It is similar to Zettelcaston method in that it’s almost like an in between the fleeting and a permanent note. Because they are permanent. I don’t delete my daily notes, but they are still a bit more stream of consciousness than a permanent note, where you really synthesize your thoughts together. You’re doing some synthesizing because it really is you talking about what you did today or what you thought about today and what you found important.


At the same time, it’s not meant to be something that you really look back on too terribly often. Although you might want to see go back to daily notes that talked about YouTube and what you thought about on YouTube. Again, that’s just the way I’ve been using it. I will say one additional thing you can do to add to your use of Daily Notes is, if you like it, you can install the Add in plugin. It’s a Community plugin calendar, so you can just find it under the Community Plugins tab browse and you’ll find in there. This is cool because it’ll show you it’s got a dot for every daily note you’ve done. I can go back and click on my previous daily notes to see what I was thinking about perhaps exactly a week ago, what was my mindset. You don’t have to do it that way.


You just have them organized here, whatever makes the most sense to you. I think that’s the beauty of the system is Daily Notes is just a blank canvas, easy one click, but it syncs quite well with this calendar and the ability to link these notes either together or to your more permanent topics, such as, let’s just say personal investing. I was thinking about buying stock today. I don’t know. I want to buy a stock today and then personal investing. You’ll see, this will send me to my mock on personal investing. So, yeah, I guess this video was a little less tutorialy than my other ones that made them sitting so far. I’m really just wanting to talk about why the Daily Notes been my favorite feature so far, even though anybody and their brother can just get a notebook out, write today’s date on it and start writing and journaling.


I’ve been trading daily Notes like a journal. I do see how this is going to, over time, the personal investing one. You’re going to see if I look at my backlinks, you’re going to see that I mentioned investing in some of my other daily notes, so you can go back and say, what was I thinking about personal investing the last month? What ideas was I having that didn’t qualify for its own large, permanent note and only lives in the Daily Notes? If you guys have any thoughts about how you use your daily notes, let me know. I’m sort of curious. It’s one of my favorite features so far, and something I can see myself doing in the future. Continuing on long term, I was already someone that did some journaling prior to picking up Obsidian, so this is not by any means totally new to me.


I did keep a handwritten journal. I used to do it with a fountain pen. So I’m one of those people. All right, thanks. Bye.

How do do Multiple Daily Notes Per Day in Obsidian

Video Transcript with Timestamps


Hey there. Good evening. Adam here. I got my sound fixed now, or my microphone. Sorry about that. I didn’t realize when I reinstalled my computer, I had some settings screwed up on my obs. Should be good now, shouldn’t be getting any crazy background noise. Today I want to talk about how to do multiple Daily Notes in Obsidian. If you’re unfamiliar with the Daily Notes function, you click on then this button right here on the left hand side open today’s Daily Note. I have a previous video that I will link that explains why I like Daily Notes. You’ll see this is today’s date, the 25 August. So this is my daily notes. Just by default, let’s just say I want to go work on this for a bit. I work on my test stuff, whatever I want to work on. I want to continue working on my Daily Notes, just musings throughout the day.


If I click on the Daily Note button, it brings me back to the same one. So further musings. Let’s just say for example, though, that you’re one of those people that prefers to have multiple Daily Notes for whatever reason with today’s date. There’s two different ways to do it that’ll lead you to the same place. The first one is to put this in a different folder. If you just drag it in here, there it goes. You actually see it’s renamed because I already have one from today. Now I got two from the same day and now it’s got a one next end of it. If I click on Daily Notes again, I’m going to have another one with that same default name. Drag it in there. Look, now I got three of them, but let’s just say that’s ugly. Or let’s just say you don’t want to do the folders.


The reason it’s going to do that is because you can have one of every single name in every single folder. Because where this lives is this just lives in your Dropbox. These are individual folders. You can have the same name in multiple locations if it’s in multiple folders because it’s just text files. There’s a cleaner way to do it. First off, I would say, why do you want to do this? If you want to talk about a specific topic and you have a different topic to talk about instead, why don’t you just make a new note, new topic, and then you can use one of my templates to one of my fleeting templates. And there you go. You can talk about whatever you want. If you’re just bound and determined to have multiple Daily Notes, let’s say you got this one. All you’re going to want to do is rename this one.


You can just do one or first or whatever you want to call it. If you change the name away from this default format and click on it again, you’re going to get a new Note, because all it’s looking is checking the main folder to see if you’ve got one with this exact name. If you don’t, it’ll make a new note with that exact name. It’s not really thinking that hard about the Daily Note. It’s just looking for a particular name and opening it if it exists or creating it if it does not exist, and only in your default folder, your main folder. Again, if you put it in a different folder, you’re going to create a new one if you hit create. You can do it that way, too. But again, not my favorite numbering scheme. It’s going to be a little hard to keep track of.


That all right. I hope that answers your questions. Thanks. Bye.

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